你搞清楚咩叫討論先啦,係有班人叫樓主以後唔好再玩 ht, 又要玩又要嘈!
我想問同哩類人 ...
ar_yu 發表於 30-8-2013 09:16 AM
I think it goes both ways. A lot of those who so call support 樓主 have bad attitude on their own as well.
If you think those phrasing such as HT又自暴其短 or like to call those who is arguing against them 愛hot 之聲 a peaceful discussion, I have got nothing to say.
多謝ching欣賞,其實我自己上得黎,都係想揾志同道合嘅人一齊分享下大家嘅玩具或作品,我自己亦都唔鐘意果啲剩係為踩人嘅人,畢竟每人都有唔同嘅睇法,應該互相尊重包容,我地先可以突破自己嘅盲點,學到更多嘢,所以如果唔小心踩親人,咪say sorry lor, 無為搞到大家ac阻阻,當然,批評唔係唔得,但係惡意嘅就唔該收皮。最後,我嘅目標係同各位ching做好朋友,希望大家會接受我啦!