Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: edmund

[3A/ threezero] 3A,取消曬我既ORDER,令我失望透頂!!!!

發表於 5-5-2012 12:20:56 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 RRAAYY 於 5-5-2012 12:26 PM 編輯

I have exchanged various parts 3 times for 3A product, so far ok and every time they have sent a new part to me by mail.

I fully understand your anger as their online system is not so perfect but,

1.)  It turns out the problem is on your computer, so, it would be difficult for the CS to actually find out what has turned wrong so that you cannot place the order.  Since it is not their responsibility to look after your own system;

2.) You asked for a refund and then they refunded it to you, that's the end of transaction;

3.) You got extra refund and not returning the money to them by intention, that's already an act of theft.

I suggest you make an appointment and go to 3A office to settle it peacefully.   Being anger and using foul language cannot make it work.  

:64:  This is just my personal opinion and suggestion.
發表於 5-5-2012 12:21:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 chankb 於 5-5-2012 12:35 PM 編輯

其實服務差唔係小人的借口, 加上問題不排除可能是在樓主自己電腦上, 樓主出粗口信的確沒有尊重過收件人,

現在因為被3A close了account後, 當自己不受別人尊重就深感氣憤, 不過尊重呢家嘢係雙向, 唔懂得先尊重別人, 那會受到其他人尊重?
做CS乜不代表天生要接受別人的粗言問候, 如果樓主一路也沒有為其粗言道歉過, 3A的反應也可理解。

退回多給的錢比3A是明智之舉, 因為表面上各上已經犯咗盜竊罪。

各下的六宗罪就算打上法庭, 跟本全無勝算, 因為refund是各下主動要求, 即是, 後來的種種經濟損失乜是樓主引起的, 一切的合理額外費用自然也應當負擔。
買賣滙率的不同, 也不是3A所能控制的, 要追究的, 可能是Pay pal多於3A.

此事可能真的是由於3A網不成熟所引起, 但之後延伸的事件巳經令小事化大。
 樓主| 發表於 5-5-2012 12:27:47 | 顯示全部樓層
I have exchanged various parts 3 times for 3A product, so far ok and every time they have sent a new ...
RRAAYY 發表於 5-5-2012 12:20 PM

For 1, yes i admit that could be my fault
But I didn't ask for  refund!!
It was 3A refunded to me compulsorily.

And I already told them I will return the extra payment,
actually that was me to inform them first before they noticed they had ddouble paid me with USD180, after they solve what I am facing: my loss in exchange rate
發表於 5-5-2012 12:33:16 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 5-5-2012 12:34:41 | 顯示全部樓層
其實服務差唔係小人的借口, 加上問題不排除可能是在樓主自己電腦上, 樓主出粗口信的確沒有尊重過收件人,
chankb 發表於 5-5-2012 12:21 PM

一黎我曾經係3AA MEMBER,佢有我個人資料
發表於 5-5-2012 12:37:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 RRAAYY 於 5-5-2012 12:38 PM 編輯
For 1, yes i admit that could be my fault
But I didn't ask for  refund!!
It was 3A refunded t ...
edmund 發表於 5-5-2012 12:27 PM

May be I missed a few lines... sorry. But if they refund to you without your consent then that is their fault since your payment has already completed.   However, if you have accepted the refund again then it means you have accepted their new terms and agreed to cancel all previous transaction.

Of course, they have the right to stop you purchasing anymore toys online from them but they should complete all completed transactions.  At this stage, it would be difficult to argue with them since you have already accepted the refund but further discussion peacefully may help the situation.  

Sorry to hear this kind of story here.   Toys should mean fun only.  Hope you can settle it with them in the end.
 樓主| 發表於 5-5-2012 12:37:40 | 顯示全部樓層
其實服務差唔係小人的借口, 加上問題不排除可能是在樓主自己電腦上, 樓主出粗口信的確沒有尊重過收件人,
chankb 發表於 5-5-2012 12:21 PM

你錯了,我冇要求REFUND, 係佢地強硬REFUND比我
 樓主| 發表於 5-5-2012 12:42:06 | 顯示全部樓層
May be I missed a few lines... sorry. But if they refund to you without your consent then that ...
RRAAYY 發表於 5-5-2012 12:37 PM

No man, i know you are right
But i don't intend to ask for compensation(like what i state in my post) but let you know what they did to me and whether it is fair.
發表於 5-5-2012 12:44:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 chankb 於 5-5-2012 12:45 PM 編輯

回復 38# edmund


其實最重要的是他們有否這權利, 在收到你的粗口信後,關掉你的account及退回你所有的訂金?

如果3A沒有權, 行為在此環境下也不合情理, 那3A便全錯了。
發表於 5-5-2012 12:48:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 36# edmund

如果你能post 出道歉信, 自然會令人覺得3A不公。
發表於 5-5-2012 12:48:08 | 顯示全部樓層
你會告apple cut你d iphone單嗎?

d 錢唔係落3a袋的
要追請你追credit card同paypal

發表於 5-5-2012 12:50:04 | 顯示全部樓層
其實服務差唔係小人的借口, 加上問題不排除可能是在樓主自己電腦上, 樓主出粗口信的確沒有尊重過收件人,
chankb 發表於 5-5-2012 12:21 PM

樓主係有錯, 但3A CANCEL 晒所有ORDER都可以理解? 咁樣解決件事無問題?
收晒訂都可以隨便CANCEL, 理由係咩? 講粗口?
3A咁做生意都可以理解? 咁我得到嘅理解係原來做生意係為啖氣,唔需要信譽.
 樓主| 發表於 5-5-2012 12:52:11 | 顯示全部樓層
你會告apple cut你d iphone單嗎?

d 錢唔係 ...
pyromaniaa 發表於 5-5-2012 12:48 PM

我意思係: 事實係佢地要求REFUND比我, 咁佢地係咪有責任補償我損失?

再重申一次: REFUND呢個ARRANGEMENT係3A要求的,亦都冇問過我係咪同意就做左
發表於 5-5-2012 12:56:06 | 顯示全部樓層
我意思係: 事實係佢地要求REFUND比我, 咁佢地係咪有責任補償我損失?

再重申一次 ...
edmund 發表於 5-5-2012 12:52 PM

我因間都搵律師告apple cut我單先
發表於 5-5-2012 13:00:31 | 顯示全部樓層
你會告apple cut你d iphone單嗎?

d 錢唔係 ...
pyromaniaa 發表於 5-5-2012 12:48 PM

照你嘅比喻, 3A同細舖收晒訂唔比貨有咩分別?
細舖同你講, APPLE CUT你單都係咁啦, 我CUT你貨都係跟APPLE之嘛.
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