
樓主 |
發表於 30-11-2011 11:53:51
今次真係估佢唔到係上過黑色星期五~ Mattel攪左個crazy sale!!!!
第一日25/11只係做少少特價減大約2 usd~ 到最後一日28/11當晚Mattel唔知做咩係咁將過去出過既部份款式陸續以低至usd 10(未連shipping)清貨~ 好多款仲要係剛出不久!
好似Man-E-Face, Bow & Catra等~ 均低至10usd即係為係一隻全新$80一隻!!!!! 就連大受歡迎既Battel Cat都只係賣15usd即係大約$120一隻~ 真係從未試過瘋狂減價~ 不過好多款式一開售不久已soldout~ 之後分別唔同時間再推出一d款式! 真係要唔訓把握時機先搶到好野~~~ 請問各位大大又有否收獲?
唔知christmas會唔會再有類似活動~!? 真係要密切留意~ > <
Black Friday Sale
Sale starts: 11/25/11 12:01 a.m. PT
Sale Ends: 11/28/11 11:59 p.m. PT
It's our biggest blowout of the year! Not only can you pick up those figures you missed during the year, you can get them at discounted prices and save on shipping! The sale starts on Black Friday and ends on Cyber Monday, but shop early for best selection because supplies are limited. And check back often, because you never know what surprise products will come and go!
GET THIS! When you purchase any three 12" Movie Masters® figures all on the same order, you'll get them at 50% off the regular price.
Please Note: Mattel reserves the right to change the sale price at any time and all sales are final. |