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DC一樣得! 模玩攝影小技巧分享 (超越DSLR!)

發表於 10-4-2009 00:22:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
DC一樣得! 模玩攝影小技巧分享 (超越DSLR!)

Nikon replies that my camera needs 3 weeks for repair… well it’s good forme to explore this handy DC & share will all net friends.

For amateurs, I hope you will benefit from it;
For experts, pls. feel free to supplement and make it a fruitful sharing :)
雕蟲小技, 見笑了

See full version in my blog too

1) Let’s learn from common mistakes…
Mistake 1:
DC’s direct flash is not advised… seeing is believing

Mistake 2:
“Haha, I know to turn my flash off, let’s see...”
And you use full auto mode with hand held… & the below pic is the most typical in toy/model forum…

The potential problems are:
Household lighting is generally not sufficient, hence possible consequences are
a) a fussy pic because of hand shake, or
b) a noisy pic because of high ISO

As I am a hand-shaking guy, 4 years ago tripod is already my most important partner in shooting.

2) Tools:  
To take good pics of you collection in economy way, my advice is:
  • A DC (of coz)
  • Background paper (very important- within $10)- I use wrap paper this time, it is cheap & no need to handle with care
  • Tripod (critical!!!- within $70)“Ap Liu St” stuff is more than enough for little DC, & it is always the gift comes with purchasing your DC
  • A mirror (I am using an acrylic mirror for safety reason; or a lamp could be a substitute)

3) The simple trick

3.1 Preferred setting of you DC
  • Single point focus (critical! & focus on where you want to focus)
  • Lowest ISO
  • Macro mode
  • disable flash
  • Appropriate white balance

3.2 The miracle of tripod!
Not just because it is stable for long exposure time; the most important “side effect” is it makes you more conscious in framing before you press the button! No more casual snaps! See the effect!!!

3.3 The mirror
See the improvement with supplementary lighting from mirror


3.4 Croping & Photoshop trick
Just for fun!  Not to mention in detail here la…

3.5 & Finally… The Power of DC
(those with Zero focal length macro)
That exactly DC power surpassing every DSLR with common lens!  Explore the possibilities & funs! Zero focal length!
See How powerful in my blog!

Again, 雕蟲小技, 見笑了
For expert net-friends, pls. feel free to supplement and make it a fruitful sharing :)

[ 本帖最後由 Gundam@EFSF 於 15-6-2009 10:04 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 10-4-2009 00:26:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Detailed illustration !!!  :71: :71:
發表於 10-4-2009 00:33:24 | 顯示全部樓層


不過我冇用鏡 (有試過用檯燈,但分別不大)...


另外,d光打落白色膠上面d 光份外散...  有咩可以做?

Thanks 師兄!  :64:
 樓主| 發表於 10-4-2009 00:39:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 呂品器 於 10-4-2009 00:33 發表


Thank ...

Single point focus? (critical! & focus on where you want to focus)
發表於 10-4-2009 00:41:55 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-4-2009 00:48:24 | 顯示全部樓層
a thousand thanks to EFSF bigbig,
i am also hving problems with taking toy pic,
and being a dumb head in photoshooting,
your post hv definitely helped me tremendeously.
i'll try it with my lumix to see how it goes when i got bk to hk later :)
thumbs up!
發表於 10-4-2009 00:58:40 | 顯示全部樓層
. . .  ..和DSLR還有很大的距離 . .  . .  . .
但大大已影得好好 !!
發表於 10-4-2009 01:00:44 | 顯示全部樓層
一直都是用DC, TRIP/TOY/LIFE, 手中無劍, 心中有劍, 天下無敵也...
發表於 10-4-2009 01:34:08 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-4-2009 01:46:56 | 顯示全部樓層
個post對入門者,簡直係一棧明燈~~!!:71: :71:
發表於 10-4-2009 02:01:46 | 顯示全部樓層
散景方面.. 還差DSLR一段距離..

不過對DC用家來講, 係一個有心的簡單燈光運用教學
 樓主| 發表於 10-4-2009 09:03:21 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 dogjumpjump 於 10-4-2009 02:01 發表
散景方面.. 還差DSLR一段距離..

不過對DC用家來講, 係一個有心的簡單燈光運用教學

散景方面.. it also depends on the lens of DSLR, a matter of price/quality ratio:78:
發表於 10-4-2009 09:06:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Gundam@EFSF 於 10-4-2009 12:39 AM 發表

Single point focus? (critical! & focus on where you want to focus)

我用過AIAF、中央、面相3種setting...  都係有同樣問題...:cool:

發表於 10-4-2009 09:36:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 呂品器 於 10-4-2009 09:06 發表

我用過AIAF、中央、面相3種setting...  都係有同樣問題...:cool:


Try to use "timer/自拍" function when you have the tripod. Also, just made sure you focus on the right place. Hope it can help :73:
發表於 10-4-2009 09:44:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for your illustration!:52: :71:
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