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[分享討論] Ironman 3 電影今天上映! 之 熱烈期待! 歡迎觀後感(含劇透) 3.75玩具無無聊亂入!

 樓主| 發表於 4-5-2013 11:11:19 | 顯示全部樓層
上周日在香港看完,昨天晚上再在大陸看,大陸版本多了范冰冰當結尾手術的護士,以及有一幕那個手 ...
gazza1211 發表於 3-5-2013 03:12 PM

發表於 4-5-2013 21:29:02 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 5-5-2013 02:20:51 | 顯示全部樓層
hongkongdisney 發表於 4-5-2013 09:29 PM

用extremis armour果時己經唔再要arc reactor
發表於 5-5-2013 03:08:13 | 顯示全部樓層
用extremis armour果時己經唔再要arc reactor
getter1234 發表於 5-5-2013 02:20 AM

因為我漫畫唔係個個故事追...知就知TONY用左extremis armour好耐...
但就唔知原來1早已經冇左個arc reactor
 樓主| 發表於 6-5-2013 18:12:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Tony 心態的轉變,
im 1:  裝甲是武器

im 2:  裝甲是義肢,是我的一部分

im 3:  裝甲是蠶繭,使我脱變!
發表於 7-5-2013 12:56:17 | 顯示全部樓層
但係我又諗可能套甲係真係連1滴電都冇,而且係prototype冇build-in arc reactor,所以boot唔起機用唔到tony個心口去做power supply

另外話d甲今集nerd弱左我係認同的,不過上集記得有講過就算件甲有arc reactor,power始終同tony著上身有分別,畢竟著左上身即係用2個reactor做power supply,唔著上身即係得一半power,所以無人甲弱都係一件理所當然既事

而點解要爆哂d甲呢? 咁要明點解要造咁多甲
但係對於咁多套甲能否對付外星人tony一直都冇信心,加上因為一旦冇左甲就好似咩都做唔到既自己而產生焦慮 (呢度其實我覺得係同美國隊長話tony冇左件甲就只係一個普通人呼應)

至於片尾既ironman will be back,我諗唔係ironman4啦,應該係avenger2
發表於 7-5-2013 13:20:52 | 顯示全部樓層
早兩日明珠播返IRONMAN 1, 開頭擄走Tony個組織, 叫Ten Ring
其實即係IROMAN 3滿大人o既組織, 連幅旗都一樣
可能第二集搵到Mickey Rourke做鞭佬, 如果唔係, 滿大人個組織會走出黎
發表於 7-5-2013 13:35:59 | 顯示全部樓層
因為IRON MAN應該可以SCAN到個溫度, 同埋之前 ...
MAX 發表於 30-4-2013 12:58 AM

c hing難道你冇留意到TONY一開始喺大混戰期間連SUIT UP都有困難?一跳遠小小就俾人撞,仲點拉開距離打?
發表於 7-5-2013 13:53:38 | 顯示全部樓層
c hing難道你冇留意到TONY一開始喺大混戰期間連SUIT UP都有困難?一跳遠小小就俾人撞,仲點拉開距離 ...
akin 發表於 7-5-2013 01:35 PM

再講...tony本人著左甲後, 咪又係打埋身...
發表於 7-5-2013 16:03:13 | 顯示全部樓層
再講...tony本人著左甲後, 咪又係打埋身...
佢有冇好似復仇者入面 ...
MAX 發表於 7-5-2013 01:53 PM

我之前就係話,TONY一開始喺大混戰期間連SUIT UP都有困難,一跳遠小小就俾人撞開,著左2,3次先著到1套甲,,仲點拉開距離射射射...
發表於 8-5-2013 02:10:58 | 顯示全部樓層
姐係咁, 你見到tony一炮已經可以打穿其中一個extremis戰士既心口, 佢係有能力秒人, 但係咁會好??
如果好似你地咁講, 佢最合理咁叫哂所有甲, 分工好, 控制哂去救人, 再自己著一套, 用其他套將果啲extremis人堆埋再慢慢射你地會覺得好睇?
唔係想搵交嗌, 我覺得戲真係有啲位要觀賞性大啲, 唔通你覺得tony著住套mark42/其他甲舉高隻手係咁射"滿大人"之後收檔先好睇??
適當地俾啲打戲會吸引好多, 要記住唔係個個觀眾都係fans, 咁深究, 太寫實同理智可能會搞衰套戲
發表於 8-5-2013 09:34:34 | 顯示全部樓層

MARVEL'S IRON MAN 3 - "#1 Movie In The World" TV Spot #24 [HD]
發表於 8-5-2013 09:45:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Robert Downey Talk for AVENGERS 2 AND 3

So there's a lot of drama going on at Marvel right now between the studio and the actors. A lot of the actors aren't happy with the way they are being treated by Marvel. There's a revealing article about it over on Deadline that you should check out. Even amongst all the craziness, Robert Downey Jr. is still looking to reprise his role as Tony Stark. According to THR, he's currently in negotiations with the studio to come back for The Avengers 2 and 3, but not for a fourth Iron Man movie. Here's what they are reporting...

"Sources close to the dealmaking say Downey has entered negotiations to reprise his role in Marvel’s The Avengers 2 and The Avengers 3, the first of which has a May 1, 2015, release date and will cap what is known as Phase 2 of the Marvel movies in the same way 2012’s Avengers culminated the first Marvel wave that began with 2008’s Iron Man. Avengers 3 has no release date and probably will not hit screens at least until the end of Phase 3, in 2017. But sources say Iron Man 4 has not been part of the discussions, and it’s unclear whether Downey, 48, wants to return for another stand-alone sequel"

An analyst suggests that Marvel Studios could lose out on as much as 9 % of their earnings in the near future without Robert Downey Jr. The report goes on to say, "It would be a definite negative for that particular franchise. He is Tony Stark. The other individual franchises -- Thor, Captain America, Hulk -- etc., don’t have near the level of box-office potential that Iron Man does. The other way to look at it is that Iron Man would probably look more like those other franchises in terms of box-office performance without Downey." I have to agree with all of that. Sure Marvel could replace him, but let's face it... Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark.

The report then adds that the studio has scripts in place for Blade, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Black Panther, and The Runaways. So that should give us a look at what we have coming to us in Phase 3 and 4 of Marvel's plan

I'm curious to see how this all works out, not only with Robert Downey Jr., but with the rest of the actors that have contracts with Marvel. The studio is eventually going to start replacing these actors, and it's going to be interesting to see what the fans' reactions are going to be when they start doing it. One thing is certain: it's in Marvel's best interest to keep Downey Jr. around for as long as they can

Do you think Marvel movie excitement is going to die down if the studio has to replace him?
發表於 8-5-2013 17:11:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Robert Downey Talk for AVENGERS 2 AND 3

So there's a lot of drama going on at Marvel rig ...
stonekeung01 發表於 8-5-2013 09:45 AM

He is IRON MAN,the suit and he are one.
發表於 8-5-2013 17:21:47 | 顯示全部樓層
姐係咁, 你見到tony一炮已經可以打穿其中一個extremis戰士既心口, 佢係有能力秒人, 但係咁會好??
如果好似 ...
tsznok1016 發表於 8-5-2013 02:10 AM

    認同,舉個例:就好似畢卡索啲畫咁,啲人像眼耳口鼻4圍擺,又啱邏輯咩?但偏偏就得到國際性嘅認同!超現實嘅野如果要用現實嘅角度去審批,咁不如唔好入場,返屋企睇discover channel.
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