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發表於 20-7-2008 16:29:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
請問 "除此之外,我都做過助理, 文員" 英文點寫??:80:

發表於 20-7-2008 16:46:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Besides that, I've also been an assistant and officer.

小弟不才 還請嚴批:64:
發表於 20-7-2008 17:01:34 | 顯示全部樓層
文員係 clerk...

officer 係指官員/ 軍官, 又或者係頗高級o既職員

當然用o既時候會指明對方係乜乜 officer/ officer of xxx department 之類
發表於 21-7-2008 13:14:28 | 顯示全部樓層
What kind of 助理?? Office?? Director's 助理?? Manager's 助理??
Anyway, it is office assistant, director's assistant and manager's assistant, respectively. Remember to pronounce the "s" , very important.

You can say

On top of the previously mentioned positions, I was also an office assistant.
如果做過, 用 was ;  如果做緊; , 用" is" .
如果一路都做某事, 未停過, 用"  I have been doing this and that....." or "I have been an office assistant"........

Or better,
Complementing my previously  mentioned positions, I was also an office assistant, an office clerk........  ( can not use "I have been"  in this case...)

then if the interviewer asks "what are you doing now or describe your current job"

You can say

I am currently a  (or an) < fill in the blank>.......

Use "an" when the word that follows "an", starts with one of these letters -  a,e,i, o, u ,  except University.

In interviews, 用正式英語, 不是用 "street English"

Good luck with your job interview.

還有, MEMO 讀  MEM  MO   , not MI MO, really anger me when people say MIMO. Speak the language properly!!!

...and where is the UNDO button for this editor!????

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 21-7-2008 01:36 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 21-7-2008 14:37:49 | 顯示全部樓層
Also, don't learn English from CNN , please!!
 樓主| 發表於 21-7-2008 20:31:38 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you very much~
請問 我想講 "係學歷(教育程度)方面", 英文怎樣寫?
for my qualification,
for my education aspect,

發表於 21-7-2008 22:25:44 | 顯示全部樓層
This is my academic certification (文憑 or certifications if there is more than one)  

Bring the original copy of your certification in case they ask for it or them.

工作履歷 =  Curriculum Vitae (plural Curricula Vitae, 得一份 , 用 Curriculum Vitae or just CV ).
如果香港工作 interview ,多數用 CV ; 如果美洲工作 interview , 用 resum&eacute;   (not resume , pronounced  re su mee ).
This is my CV or resum&eacute; .

如果想講我有這工作經驗 ( I have experience in .........

工作履歷上都會寫 education history, part of the CV.
如果英語不是太流利 , 慢慢講. 清楚地說好過其他人不明.  
Prepare the answers to some of the more common questions

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 21-7-2008 10:52 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 22-7-2008 00:01:44 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Garrett 於 20-7-2008 04:46 PM 發表
Besides that, I've also been an assistant and officer.

小弟不才 還請嚴批:64:

"that" is redundant...
文員是 clerk...
其他的已經 ok... 用 past tense 好 d

very simple english 言簡意賅已經 perfect...
而家唔係作文唔係考試... ok ?

p.s. assistant 係 assist d 乜...

[ 本帖最後由 玩具 於 22-7-2008 12:03 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 22-7-2008 06:14:14 | 顯示全部樓層
One more thing, just make sure that all grammar and tenses are correct and properly used (用任何語言 [Cantonese, French, German, Japanese.....] 說話, 都要正統 [formal or informal] , 如果不是,人和猴子就沒有分別) .  可以慢慢講.  錯了都不要緊張. 用 formal English,  you give the impression that you can communicate well.  Interview is all about 印象.  If you are uncertain about something, keep the sentences short without giving the impression that you are avoiding the question. Also, don't  lie , experienced interviewer will know.
說話同做事一樣, 不要 "那西" . 說話是會反影到做事態度. 如果您是上司, 都不想請個做事態度不好的雇員. Work place is a formal environment, not a playground.
Interview 時, 不要太緊張. 緊張反而出錯多.  For office jobs, make sure you wear suits and tie (西裝). Make sure you smell nice , but no cologne. 不要用強味香水, 有些人會對香水有過敏症.  Put a handkerchief in your pocket,  因為緊張,手會出汗,插手到袋中可以抹汗.  同人握手時不要有汗. 但不要長時間插手到袋中,因為會比人有 "椒積"  的感覺 握手時要力度適中;  不強不弱.  保持 eye-contact but without 敵意.
If you have any more questions, please do ask now. I hope you get the job.

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 22-7-2008 07:59 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 22-7-2008 09:01:49 | 顯示全部樓層
"如果做過, 用 was ;  如果做緊; , 用" is" . "
用 " I " 時, it is "am " for present tense, don't use "I is "
E.g. I am currently an office assistant."
       My current employer is < such such company >

現任美國總統 George W Bush 連自己語言 American English 都不能掌握得到; 可能他在人面前講話緊張.

He said and I quote"  To give  the money back to our people... "
                                  "....childrens are............." and many more.....

These are examples of bad English even for Californians.

所以人人都嘲笑他,覺得他是 a fool. 所以說話可以給人一些持久的印象. 過去英國總理,  Past Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher, 英文有文有路,人家會 take her seriously.  中國總統講國語都有 grammar and structure , 不能胡來.  同一間公司做事, you represent the company, 說話要謹慎有禮.

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 22-7-2008 09:43 AM 編輯 ]
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