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樓主: Douglas.M.Saint

[個人收藏] 電擊限定超級機械人大戰 OG figure 全系表 + 終極討論區

發表於 21-2-2010 14:23:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 gazza1211 於 21-2-2010 03:21 PM 編輯

回復 916# cybaster

Shxt, I have mailed out a cheque to HK電擊 but late for 2 days last few months.  And so, it rejected my order.... :-(

I have to find somewhere to get this back.....

... but it is really too expensive to charge HK$1.5k for such plastic figure...  and 壽屋 usually convert 電擊's figure to better outlook & cheaper & larger size model... this makes me very frustrate (e.g. Granzon)

Some c-hing in Japan has got it:


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發表於 24-2-2010 21:35:15 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 26-2-2010 10:24:25 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 26-2-2010 19:57:07 | 顯示全部樓層
I also want this.  Yesterday, I walked from 雞旺 to 笑萬.  None shop has this......  I am also very sad.

If you have courage, you can bid from Taobo. The price is also $1,5xx but in RMB 1,5xx.

But I had sms those sellers using my PRC phone card, none of them replied me.

You can also bid from Japan yahoo.  I still found some sellers asking for Yen19,xxx few days ago....
發表於 27-2-2010 18:52:07 | 顯示全部樓層
:77:謝謝你回復 920# gazza1211
發表於 28-2-2010 05:36:08 | 顯示全部樓層
我唔中龍虎王......但我中左雷鳳(除左大贊卡之外, 唯一一隻我極中意既機戰機體....)所以訂左, 佢既外型我好滿意, 希望其他既質數都係我可以接受, 請問玩開既bro, 電擊既figure 實唔實淨? 可動可玩性高嗎? 關節又會不會好鬆??
發表於 28-2-2010 16:41:38 | 顯示全部樓層
龍虎王解封完成, 個人就覺得超正, 現只等德哥報告
發表於 28-2-2010 20:13:01 | 顯示全部樓層
:die:龍虎王冇訂到:市面上一個字"冇"今日去了雞旺 to 笑萬冇得買:ice:嗚...............:help:
發表於 28-2-2010 21:09:50 | 顯示全部樓層
龍虎王冇訂到:市面上一個字"冇"今日去了雞旺 to 笑萬冇得買嗚...............
天元突破 發表於 28-2-2010 20:13

發表於 1-3-2010 10:19:12 | 顯示全部樓層
回復:77: 謝謝你925# cybaster
發表於 1-3-2010 14:08:53 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 922# ZIN

實唔實淨: not really
可動: 模型好D
可玩性高: yes
關節又會不會好鬆: yes, sometime 鬆 sometime緊 (I have 扭斷 those pvc joints in the past...)

其实電擊figure的質素真的相差很大很貴.  有钱的Fans才可接受...
發表於 1-3-2010 18:07:47 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  ZIN

實唔實淨: not really
可動: 模型好D
可玩性高: yes
關節又會不會好鬆: yes, sometime 鬆 ...
gazza1211 發表於 1-3-2010 02:08 PM

thx a lot~ 即係我拿左雷鳳之後, 就住泥拎佢擺好想要姿勢就供奉:66:
發表於 2-3-2010 12:55:11 | 顯示全部樓層
呵呵 好多x字:x
發表於 2-3-2010 13:52:19 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 928# ZIN

    The temperature difference between with Air-con and without Air-con, and change of climate, can make PVC joints 黏 each other.  So, nowaday, each time I take out Degenki figures from my toy cabinet for changing of posture.  I do this slowly & carefully until the joints are no longer 黏 each toehr
發表於 2-3-2010 15:07:27 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  ZIN

    The temperature difference between with Air-con and without Air-con, and change  ...
gazza1211 發表於 2-3-2010 01:52 PM

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