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[新品消息] 千值練 METAMOR-FORCE 超獸機神斷空我 ~ 鷹戰機(單體) ~

發表於 2-3-2016 10:39:48 | 顯示全部樓層
iannt2011 發表於 2-3-2016 10:29 AM
我有EX shin getter 初版,呢個位冇事wor。

再版出事, 但唔包保初版唔會爆, 呢間廠用料真係太好。
黑龍馬初版, 舊123初版,
用料最好居然係黑龍馬, 隻紅肥仔爆腰, 2號裂油脫落, 3號裂油起泡。
我都諗住信多次呢間廠, 買隻黑龍馬再版, 結果...
好啦, 玩過人地隻GETTER DRAGON, 終於關節有改好啦, 可惜太遲。
而呢隻所謂第二次再版, 我講完上面就算了,
係買GE點講都會買, 唔買GE, 亦唔會留意個隻野。
發表於 2-3-2016 10:50:21 | 顯示全部樓層
已有合金魂,但這隻都會入 :78:
發表於 2-3-2016 10:57:24 | 顯示全部樓層
係好靚, 但真係太貴了
發表於 2-3-2016 11:28:05 | 顯示全部樓層
luciferdark 發表於 2-3-2016 09:51 AM
係囉, 人地良心大廠ARTSTORM隻EX合金, 好評到第二次再版CAP水。
對翼應該唔會好似初版咁斷完又斷掛, 不過 ...

哇!頂,爆腰!?佢地d膠太差了。。。 咁都係想清楚才決定買不買再版。。。。。


我紅GETTER1 初版都係爆腰, 明明遲過黑GETTER1出, 明明大家都係盒, 但就係紅GETTER1 腹部個凹型關節爆, 扣唔實個BALL搞到挺唔起腰做人, 慘過斷腳  發表於 2-3-2016 04:19 PM
發表於 2-3-2016 11:53:37 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2-3-2016 12:22:51 | 顯示全部樓層
luciferdark 發表於 2-3-2016 09:51 AM
係囉, 人地良心大廠ARTSTORM隻EX合金, 好評到第二次再版CAP水。
對翼應該唔會好似初版咁斷完又斷掛, 不過 ...

之前無乜見黑真31 有乜投訴 (初版紅31則是翼問題, 但也賠翻改良版免費給客) ...

發表於 2-3-2016 12:52:45 | 顯示全部樓層
luciferdark 發表於 2-3-2016 10:39 AM
再版出事, 但唔包保初版唔會爆, 呢間廠用料真係太好。
黑龍馬初版, 舊123初版,

發表於 2-3-2016 13:47:44 | 顯示全部樓層
I sent an email to D4 and asked about the joints:

According to our knowledge, the joints of “METAMOR-FORCE DANCOUGA∼real type color ver.∼” are made stronger than those of the previous ver. in certain ways. However, we still recommend reading the instruction manual before playing, handling it with care and turning to Sentinel for assistance if you have any concern or doubt.

Let's see how "strong " is strong.
發表於 2-3-2016 13:49:41 | 顯示全部樓層
luciferdark 發表於 2-3-2016 10:39 AM
再版出事, 但唔包保初版唔會爆, 呢間廠用料真係太好。
黑龍馬初版, 舊123初版,
  1. Ex Fewture, I stopped collecting them too . Same feeling , painting crack and rust: too bad
發表於 2-3-2016 14:05:05 | 顯示全部樓層
genesicgaogaiga 發表於 2-3-2016 01:47 PM
I sent an email to D4 and asked about the joints: I paid full price to get a beta test version =  = should have ordered this limited edition la
發表於 2-3-2016 14:16:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 manlok1201 於 2-3-2016 02:17 PM 編輯
genesicgaogaiga 發表於 2-3-2016 01:47 PM
I sent an email to D4 and asked about the joints:

發表於 2-3-2016 14:22:14 | 顯示全部樓層
manlok1201 發表於 2-3-2016 02:16 PM

Before that early ver being released, I have asked them many times if the material can withhold the stress, they always am said that industrial PVc is very good. But now they seemed to know the problem , hope it is really better. A little bit like Max GGGG ver 1 vs ver 1.5
發表於 2-3-2016 14:23:18 | 顯示全部樓層
manlok1201 發表於 2-3-2016 02:16 PM

I think we are alpha tester more
I got  HK and JP ver.
發表於 2-3-2016 14:29:03 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
But when i look at all the "Real Type" pictures, again and again, i think the shoulders joints are totall the same.

I don't feel there is any "adjustment" to make it stronger

**unless they change to diecast**

**i own a JP ver**
發表於 2-3-2016 15:10:48 | 顯示全部樓層
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