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[趣味] 電影外的奇洛李維斯~

發表於 20-6-2012 23:37:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 太歲 於 20-6-2012 11:53 PM 編輯


他的爸爸在他12歲的時候因為毒品交易被逮補,他的媽媽是舞孃,後來全家搬到加拿大並有過幾任繼父。在1992年,李維的女友珍妮佛·賽姆(Jennifer Syme)生下死胎。而在2001,正當他們兩人要幸福地準備要結婚的時候,基努李維親眼看到他心愛的女友賽姆在車禍中喪生,從此以後他一直逃避穩定的感情與生育問題!

他其中一位摯友River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix的兄弟)因為用藥過量死亡。幾乎在同年基努李維的生父又被逮捕。從小與基努·李維相依為命的妹妹Kim,不幸罹患了白血病。媒體常常拍到他陪伴著妹妹。1994年《捍衛戰警》走紅前夕,他都還睡在朋友家的地板上,成名開始賺錢以後,他捐出了大量的金錢幫助幫助治療白血病症的醫院。



當然,他沒有保鑣也不穿華服,當人們都在討論著〝憂傷的基努〞時,他回應:「你需要開開心心、光鮮亮麗的才能活下去,我不用。」 “You need to be happy to live, I don’t”

"This guy reading the newspaper on the subway is Keanu Reeves. He is from a problematic family. His father was arrested when he was 12 for drug dealing and his mother was a stripper. His family moved to Canada and there he had several step dads. He watched his girlfriend die. They were about to get married, and she died in a car accident. And also before that she had lost her baby. Since then Keanu avoids serious relationships and having kids. He’s one of the only Hollywood stars without a Mansion. He said: “l live in a flat, I have everything that I need at anytime, why choose an empty house?” One of his best friends died by overdose, he was River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix’s brother). Almost in the same year Keanu’s father was arrested again. His younger sister had leukemia. Today she is cured, and he donated 10% of his gains from the movie Matrix to Hospitals that treat leukemia. In one of his birthdays, he got to a little candy shop and bought him a cake, and started eating alone. If a fan walked by he would talk to them and offer some of the cake. He doesn’t have bodyguards, and he doesn’t wear fancy clothes. When they asked him about “Sad Keanu”, he replied: “You need to be happy to live, I don’t”
發表於 21-6-2012 02:33:48 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 21-6-2012 17:43:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 takeshi 於 21-6-2012 05:45 PM 編輯

:! 原來佢...:!

可能甘講好衰..但我又無法控制甘冧到...佢個身世經歷同行為...已經係一位cowboy bebop...(可能我好期待佢做)..
發表於 21-6-2012 19:39:00 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 21-6-2012 19:51:44 | 顯示全部樓層
WalkerMachine 發表於 21-6-2012 07:39 PM

KEANU REEVES gentleman or "douche"?
"douche"係度應該係一個貶詞但個 "douche"係呢度係點解呀?
單字解係【醫】灌洗法, 灌洗器,唔明係呢度既意思。
發表於 22-6-2012 20:47:00 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-6-2012 12:01:30 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-6-2012 13:20:08 | 顯示全部樓層
real  gentleman! :71:
發表於 23-6-2012 20:33:09 | 顯示全部樓層
KEANU REEVES gentleman or "douche"?
"douche"係度應該係一個貶詞但個 "douche"係呢度係點解呀?
單字 ...
太歲 發表於 21-6-2012 07:51 PM

發表於 23-6-2012 22:57:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 冬暖夏涼小恐龍 於 23-6-2012 11:09 PM 編輯

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