訂了,未取。 睇完好後悔 mr.elljay 發表於 7-10-2011 11:46 PM
請問一下各位~ 這隻zero~香港多唔多貨~價錢大約多少? 謝謝~ momo大王 發表於 8-10-2011 02:58 AM
...i looked at the real thing yesterday, the color's weird. roundbun 發表於 8-10-2011 10:23 AM
D動作擺得好正∼∼∼支持 iammaster 發表於 8-10-2011 10:55 AM
太正了.......... wing0boy 發表於 8-10-2011 02:01 PM
隻色無打燈真係好似灰色~~~~不過玩開 SIC GE 朋友可能會比較鍾意~~~ 多謝師兄支持~~~~ Somebody_Ex 發表於 8-10-2011 12:20 PM
frankly i think this one is still better than garo in terms of its style & articulation. Too ba ... roundbun 發表於 8-10-2011 06:56 PM
I also opened it today and lucky that QC is not bad for mine. Overall is good although few pa ... Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 8-10-2011 09:07 PM
Wingsir 轉營玩老變~~~~幾時又有新帖出呀~~~~ Somebody_Ex 發表於 8-10-2011 06:28 PM
呢度唔方便講價錢~~~PM 你再講吧~~~~ Somebody_Ex 發表於 8-10-2011 12:17 PM
遲些有心情會出貼............ 我現主力玩老變...........但最近都有入海賊紅......... wing0boy 發表於 8-10-2011 10:26 PM
收到了~謝回覆~ momo大王 發表於 9-10-2011 12:12 AM
支持一下some大大.......................有牙狼點可以唔買這隻 聖鬥士星矢 發表於 9-10-2011 01:12 AM
SHF牙狼系列敗在金同銀色上面 如果唔係真係相當唔錯 不過小弟比較愛E&P果種狂野FEEL 卡妙 發表於 9-10-2011 01:36 AM
支持some大!! 小弟對呢套都好有愛呢!!! 真的很期待KIBA呀!!!! aeromanCCM 發表於 10-10-2011 09:12 AM
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