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[3A/ threezero] 3A Toys - TKlub - Oroshi's decal problems

發表於 23-8-2013 19:33:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
From ThreeA Production Blog:

It came to our attention that some TKLUB #1 Oroshi 18 figures are missing the decal (tattoo to be particular). At the moment, we are working on solution to the situation and once we will finalize how to fix it, we will update the blog with all the necessary info.

One thing for sure: we will make it right!
發表於 23-8-2013 19:48:44 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-8-2013 21:27:13 | 顯示全部樓層
出前一丁 發表於 23-8-2013 07:48 PM

發表於 23-8-2013 22:05:03 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 出前一丁 於 29-8-2013 08:49 AM 編輯

今日剛收到,其實應該只欠左臂「VIC40」的紋身吧,剛 check 過果然漏了:56:

不過既然:「One thing for sure: we will make it right」:57::57::57:
發表於 23-8-2013 22:15:47 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-8-2013 23:27:30 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 24-8-2013 01:30:51 | 顯示全部樓層
cactus 發表於 23-8-2013 11:27 PM

CHing 一定是玩3A冇耐, 以前也試過喪屍補件, 皮鞋補件, TQ補件,

而TQ嗰次一補一, 中盲盒特別版的人一樣照補返一隻特別版,

所以就算是隨機放入的商品, 出貨時正常手續也應要記錄箱號碼, EMS號碼, 訂購號碼和款式記錄啦 ~

所以 CHing 不用擔心 ~ :43:
發表於 24-8-2013 09:38:03 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 24-8-2013 09:45:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Chases 隨機寄出,但應該會記低 No.,所以知道寄出比邊個。
發表於 28-8-2013 01:56:53 | 顯示全部樓層
我都中左喎!!!! 有冇咁So呢?同埋呢隻有隨機入盒嗎???
發表於 28-8-2013 01:59:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Oh...yes is all black ver...! But I just get a normal ver...! shit..!唔中特別版...!{:1_198:}
發表於 28-8-2013 19:36:11 | 顯示全部樓層
TKLUB #1 Oroshi 18 update and signed DIY KA Mumbs chase

If you received DIY KA Mumb chase, which was supposed to be signed by Ashley Wood, please contact as soon, as possible and our Customer Service professionals will explain to you, how to return the figure (at our cost) to threeA HQs for Ashley Wood to sign. We plan to ship signed DIY KA Mumbs back to you this October, so please don't hesitate to contact us, once you read this message.

Here is the promised update, regarding TKLUB #1 Oroshi 18 missing tattoo issue:
We will send replacement body with tattoo on the left arm to all TKLUB #1 Oroshi TK customers. We will send ONLY THE NAKED BODY, with no accessories/hands/feet/head/joints and etc. Once we will have the replacement body manufactured, we will update the blog with the photo, so you will see what exactly is coming. You don't need to contact our customer service, as we will send the replacement body to all Oroshi TK customers, according to Bambalandstore records. Please keep in mind that Darky and Interloper Oroshi chase don't have any tattoos on their bodies, as they are Mortis and aren't VIC40 members.

THIS 3A, I'm loving it.
發表於 28-8-2013 19:48:07 | 顯示全部樓層
:71::71::71::71: :71:
發表於 28-8-2013 19:50:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Please keep in mind that Darky and Interloper Oroshi chase don't have any tattoos on their bodies:he:
 樓主| 發表於 29-8-2013 08:42:32 | 顯示全部樓層
From 3A亞洲官方博客

有關 Oroshi TK 及 DIY Mumb
Posted on 2013/08/28 由 bingbingbing

有關 TKlub 第一只產品 Oroshi 18,原定素體左手手臂上是有紋身的。
請留意特別版本 Interloper Oroshi 人偶的設計是沒有手臂上的紋身,因此 Interloper Oroshi 是沒有相對的替補素體。
(Ashley: grey and dark oroshi are not VIC40 members ! they are MORTIS)
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