Out of his collections
1 is a custom built, not release by lego
3 are out of production, which are 10182 Cafe Corner (Hotel), 10185 Green Grocer, 10190 Market Place (blue)
still in production are 10197 Fire Brigade, 10211 Grand Emporium, 10218 Pet shop
10224 Town Hall, 10232 Palace Cinema
there will be one come soon which is 10243 Parisian Restaurant
Those five that are still in production, range from US$149-US$199. These is LEGO US RRP price. you can also see it on lego.com, so i guess this probably not against the rule
for those three out of production, good luck, especially for Cafe Corner, it can over US$1500 for a brand new set.
Simon 兄,小弟冇玩開LEGO....
各位C兄可否PM小 ...
jojojays888 發表於 30-11-2013 12:49 AM  |