原文章由 vinchan 於 18-6-2007 01:40 PM 發表 我想問下咁多位大大﹐初版1/48既MAX 米娜機同之後有無唔同﹖(如果有新舊版之分) 係咪會好易整爛呢﹖因為我係新仔﹐所以唔知道有無分別。
原文章由 GRAW 於 18-6-2007 03:36 PM 發表 YAMATO product only gets better and better, but I think the first M&M release is already stablized in QC... I have a first release Roy VF-1S, it dose have some minor QC issue :sad:... bu ...
原文章由 redfish 於 18-6-2007 04:19 PM 發表 出到麥斯1A時已經算穩定, 最差係一條輝1A初版
原文章由 OST 於 18-6-2007 06:00 PM 發表 oh really?! so, what is the problem of the first release?:no:
原文章由 裝甲仔 於 18-6-2007 11:59 PM 發表 吓?咁我要check check先,早排玩過VF-1S都冇事,希望平平安安:o
原文章由 GRAW 於 20-6-2007 02:11 PM 發表 How about this one? (from Macross World) So nice!!!! http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/Nailbunny375/Min ...
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