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[Hot Toys] DX13 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day: T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)

發表於 16-11-2012 13:21:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Hot Toys – DX13 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6th scale T-800 (Battle Damaged Version) Collectible Figure Specification

~DX Series~

The 1/6th scale T-800 (Battle Damaged Version) Collectible Figure specially features:

- Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-800 in battle damaged look in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day

- Approximately 32 cm tall

- Two (2) battle damaged head sculpts with detachable scalp and shock- damping in the head including:

n   One (1) battle damaged head sculpt with Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) patented by Hot Toys Limited

n   One (1) battle damaged head sculpt with rolling eyeballs with LED light in right eyeball (red light, battery operated)

- Detailed hair sculpture

- Advanced muscular body with over 30 points of articulation

- An additional interchangeable left battle damaged forearm

- Eight (8) pieces of interchangeable gloved battle damaged palms including:

n   One (1) pair for gun holding

n   One (1) pair of fists

n   One (1) pair of relaxed palms

n   One (1) right palm with thumb up

n   One (1) right palm for holding rod

- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted


- Two (2) black leather-like battle damaged jackets including one (1) without left sleeve of forearm

- One (1) pair of battle damaged pants with belt

- One (1) battle damaged grey tee

- One (1) pair of black boots


- One (1) bandolier

- One (1) grenade launcher with broken handle

- One (1) machine gun

- One (1) pistol

- Twelve (12) bullets


- One (1) rod

- One (1) 1/6th scale T-1000 statue in real-like liquid metal form

- Deluxe light-up figure stand with T-800 nameplate, the movie logo and DX series title

Special Edition – Bonus Accessory (for selected markets only):

- One (1) 1/6th scale alternate T-1000 head sculpt in real-like liquid metal form


- Head Sculpted by Yulli & K.A. Kim

- Damage Part Sculpted by T.J. Cha

- Painted by JC. Hong

- Head Art Directed by Kojun

- Costume Advised by Hai Lim

Release date:     Q2 – Q3, 2013

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different

**Battery included for figure and figure stand, button cells are required

**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

Terminator 2: Judgment Day, T2, THE TERMINATOR, ENDOSKELETON, and any depiction of Endoskeleton are trademarks of StudioCanal S.A.

All Rights Reserved. © 2012 StudioCanal S.A. ® All Rights Reserved.
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Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR17.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR18.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR19.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR20.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR21.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR22.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR23.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR24.jpg
Hot Toys - T2 - DX T-800 (Battle Damaged Version)_PR25.jpg
發表於 16-11-2012 13:27:50 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-11-2012 13:29:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Must buy item, 開訂未?
發表於 16-11-2012 13:29:21 | 顯示全部樓層
希望今次大貨都要KEEP 住水準...
有7, 8成都好丫!!
發表於 16-11-2012 13:29:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 16-11-2012 13:30:29 | 顯示全部樓層
好彩無訂DX10 !!!!!!!
發表於 16-11-2012 13:30:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 16-11-2012 13:30:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Hot Toys一向積極參與及支持不同類型的慈善機構,將顧客對人偶的熱愛轉化成善心,致力回饋社會,幫助弱勢社群。

為讓更多其他有需要人士受惠,由今日起,非會員顧客如有意訂購設有會員限量版的Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6th scale T-800 (Battle Damaged Version) Collectible Figure產品,只需捐出一定金額予奧比斯*,Hot Toys便會送出該款產品的限量版配件1/6th scale alternate T-1000 head sculpt in liquid metal form一個。收得所有善款將全數撥捐奧比斯*,為發展中的國家提供醫療設備和技術,以及培訓眼科醫護人員,為眼疾病人提供眼科醫療服務、提升大眾對眼疾的關注及解決可避免的失明問題。


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發表於 16-11-2012 13:31:02 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-11-2012 13:31:13 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 16-11-2012 13:31:33 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-11-2012 13:31:35 | 顯示全部樓層
岩岩先準備拎dx10,咁快出dx13 battle damaged ver.:56:
發表於 16-11-2012 13:31:36 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kimlam 於 16-11-2012 01:41 PM 編輯

戰損頭都有2 個換??
發表於 16-11-2012 13:32:02 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kimlam 於 16-11-2012 01:53 PM 編輯

有DX10 都忍唔住訂了...

$1930... 加$200 VIP(T-1000)
TOTAL = $2130...
今次HT 再貨不對辦真係打死佢!!
發表於 16-11-2012 13:32:13 | 顯示全部樓層
我初初以為惡搞POST :80:
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