發表於 7-1-2011 16:13:41
咁我開估啦,之前七八月係一間叫 X 王既舖訂左隻十月出貨既 figure,
之後十月到左我見佢附近有間舖係月初 ...
ranger_ckk 發表於 7-1-2011 01:55 PM 
I " ready " forget this bad shop "tim"
coz I tell myself to "forget" this shop
@ year 2009 , yamato 1/48 M&M reissued , I want to buy one more M&M
so I go to "veg" shop to buy
but after boss checked 3 boxs of Max 1J , he know/find this Max 1J have problem so tell me not to buy now n take these 3 damaged Max prepare for change
then I go to "this shop" (HKXXX) n need to check Max 1J first , if no problem I will buy .
he opened the box for me to check but also damaged
I said I cant buy it coz of damaged .he said ok but still "place" the damaged toy for sell
(so I feel this is a bad shop )
also have another TD pre-orderd @ his shop , after issued ,this TD saw many shop have this toy , he go to this shop to get it but the boss said this toy havent now , will have later need to wait .
after one month this boss still said the toy havent ,but all buyer played one month
one of his friend also bought this toy fm "this shop" but no pre-order @ higher price than pre-order :53:
(so this TD feel this shop will sell out your toys @ higher price if U pre-order @ his shop) |