I haven't gone to get mine yet, so I'll do as Jimy 大大 has said. Wait a few days for HT response to the problem first.
I wouldn't mind at all to wait a few months for them to fix it.
On the other hand, I'd hate going back and forth to replace bad QC parts (because I live in Tseung Kwan O and nearly never go to MK)
I was one of the people thinking of buying/ordering 4 more figures to have enough to join VIP.
I haven't totally lost confidence in them, as my previous figures from them have all been very good quality-wise.But HT's response to this incident will be a strong deciding factor for me.
原帖由 winner 於 29-12-2009 10:03 PM 發表
I haven't gone to get mine yet, so I'll do as Jimy 大大 has said. Wait a few days for HT response to the problem first.
I wouldn't mind at all to wait a few months for them to fix it.
On the other h ...
我都係喎(將軍澳)..哈哈:34: 終於搵到一個同路人....你都明出mk有幾慘啦.........
我隻野現在有2個問題,高低甲加高低發光頭....甩皮就無因為之前換左一次不過我都係等埋呢個星期睇ht有咩反應...因為下年月頭佢出現貨我會入我會支持ht,不過好想舊呢一隻佢會比番多一個新一批的body我地...話曬我地一開心係對佢有信心先訂dx batman
唔.......死啦,我今日睇我隻Batman D腹肌都有事,咁俾Hottoys攞個body返廠維修.......咁維修完“呢忽”跟住攔“另外一忽”咁點?:70: Hottoys呀,Hottoys呀, 不如讓拿了笫一批貨D Local 客全部換你係FaceBook 講既“改善版”仲好:58:
"Hot ToysThanks for letting us know your concerns. We have been looking into the DX Batman issues and following up with improvements. Please note that the first batch of DX Batman is only available in Hong Kong market and not all goods have such issues. Any HKG customers who require replacement, please kindly contact Toy Hunters directly. Overseas fans, please don’t worry much on this. Improvements will be made for the upcoming deliveries. "