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Japan trip, 3 toys, Decade movie review: warning-movie story inside

發表於 10-8-2009 23:35:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Just came back from Japan.

It was raining on the 1st day and the rest of the days were all cloudy.

Some shots outside my hotel

Forgot to take the tripod.........

I went to Gundam 1:1 on 7/8/09.
It was a cloudy date and the pics were not so good.
The limited 1/144 model were all sold out and would be refilled on 8/8/09. But I have got no time to go back again, so I  just gave up.

Then I took my son to Ultraman Festival and did some Ultraman shopping with my son.

After meal, I tried ichiban lucky draw at 7-11 and I got  B prize and G prize (500yen x 2)

On 8/8/09, this was the date for official launch of Decade movie.
I got the ticket at 18:20, so I left my wife and son in Disneyland after 2PM and went out ot Akiba for toy hunting. I have got only THREE TOYS.

These are the
[td] 劇場版 仮面ьユФみЫュンユЭ レみюьユФみ対大ЁъЧロみ SP Rising Ultimate Kuuga

Volks NEXT Demonabane
I found the last box.:79:

一番ゑェ 天元突破ヲя⑦ьヮ⑦ 螺旋力全開版 ( metallic painting-limited 100 lucky draw version):35:
Don't ask me the price.:(
At least its price was lower than those on Yahoo japan Auction.

I will pose their pics later.

AT 18:20, I watched 劇場版 仮面ьユФみЫュンユЭ レみюьユФみ対大ЁъЧロみ /侍戦隊Ё⑦ン⑦Жцみ 銀幕版
The first 1hr was 仮面ьユФみЫュンユЭ レみюьユФみ対大ЁъЧロみ  and the rest 30min was 3D 侍戦隊Ё⑦ン⑦Жцみ 銀幕版.

All watchers will get these two.

Some of the limited items which can be bought outside the theatre.
folder set

LED decade belt keyholder

24 riders cards

movie preview booklet

riders other than Decad, Diend and Kuuga

Da Shocker


If you don't want to know the content of decade movie, please stop here.

In a sport  stadium, Decade was running a rider battle against riders from all the rider worlds.
The first one was Amazon.

Then history went back to 3 days ago.

門矢士 finally went back to his own world.
All his abnormal photos became normal again.
Then he noted a strange old photo in the 光写真館. This photo showed himself and a little girl. He suddenly found a key of his own house in his pocket. With the usage of his limited recorded memory, 門矢士 together with 小野寺щヨЗン  &  光夏海 went to his old own house.
He then saw his younger sister 門矢小夜 playing piano in his old house. 小夜 told him that he was her brother and their parents died in 10 years ago.  After their death, she got the power of opening up dimensional doors to other rider worlds while 門矢士 got the power of going thru these doors. One day, he left her behind because of the dream of photo shooting around the world.

月影вйёヵ�ЁцЭみуみ⑦ suddenly came out and he was actually the 'uncle" who looked after 小夜 & 門矢士.  月影вйёヵ�ЁцЭみуみ⑦ told all of them that 門矢士  has to fight against all riders and won the battle, otherwise his own world would be destroyed.

Then 門矢士 ,小野寺щヨЗン & 海東大樹 worked as a team in the battle and finally won the battle.
Fighting involved Amazon, RX, X...........then finally V3+ Super One + Black.

No Hensin of individual rider was shown. :help:

After the winning, the stadium suddenly broke down and a large Da shocker castle came out.

小野寺щヨЗン  &  光夏海  were then taken into the castle.
They woke up and saw 門矢士 sitting on the king seat of the Da Shocker.

地獄大使 and General of Black came up. Then somebody like 光栄次郎 changed 死神博士.
光夏海 was shocked.

小野寺щヨЗン  &  光夏海 also found that the label of Da shocker actually showed the wordings of DCD

They later discovered that 士  was actually the choosen king of "Da Shocker". His job was to destroy all the riders in all worlds and carry out the all riders' 世界征服計画. He losted his memories during one of the fight and dropped into the dimension of  光夏海.

小野寺щヨЗン  &  光夏海 were then throw out of the castle and they ran back to 士's old house for protection. Then they saw 月影вйёヵ�ЁцЭみуみ⑦ and he transformed into 月影 rider.
He then asked 門矢小夜 to use a dark crystal necklace to transform Kuuga into Dark Rising Ultimate Kuuga. Before 月影 could do anything on 光夏海, she escaped from there and was later rescused by 鳴滝.

On the other hand, 月影 suddenly attacked 士 and got his throne. 月影 told   士  that he just wanted to use  士 's power to go thru all dimensions and kill all other riders, then he could become the king of DA Shocker after defeating 士.  Finally 月影  became the king and he sent out thousands of shocker soldiers (Ge Ge Soldiers) for attacking the cities.

士 ran away but he being was chased by the Shocker monsters. He was later rescued by GACKT.
(GACKT's hand was actually damaged during a punishment by 士 . He then did a surgery on himself and changed himself into Riderman.) GACKT then pulled off his right arm and fitted in a weapon.............then...........MOVIE DID NOT TALK ALONG THIS LINE ANYMORE:? . No Henshin into RIDERMAN at all.:no:
士  finally regretted for doing the bad things in the past, he decided to go against Da Shocker and tried to rescue his sister.

門矢士 &  海東大樹 went to the Da Shocker castle and fought against the Shocker monsters.
門矢士 &  海東大樹 were almost being defeated, then all the other riders from all the other rider world came up.

All riders only did some minor fighting acts and no individual final attack was shown.
Luckily, Shin rider 1 and 2 performed the double kamen rider kick and destroyed 地獄大使 :$ Finally saw one final attack of old riders............
Decade and Diend killed General of Black and 死神博士.

Dark Rising Kuuga came up and fought against Decade. Kuuga was actually being controlled by 門矢小夜.
The reason was that 門矢小夜 hate 門矢士 for leaving her behind after the death of their parents. After a short conversions, 門矢小夜 accepted 士's apology.  She destroyed her dark crystal and Kuuga woked up.

月影  came out and he was so strong that Decade and Rising Ultimate Kuuga were all defeated.

The Rider W arrived on his motorcycle. (Many Japanese around me were actually laughing at the apperance of the W.......:( , probably they also think that W is strange:x )
This W rider was initially in GREEN-PURPLE, then he used a RED USB and changed the GREEN to RED. He later used the flame powered punch of RED to attack 月影. W finally used another SILVER USB and changed the PURPLE to SILVER. A fight rod came out, W used this rod and hit hardly on 月影 .
月影  was thrown far away and fell onto the wall of the DA Shocker Castle. W rider then TALKED TO HIMSELF :Q  in 2 kind of voices.......and left.........

All the riders then used rider kicks and attacked 月影, 月影  died and castle was destroyed.

All a sudden, a large SHOCKER MONSTER stood up and large Rider J came out too.
( Japanese around me started laughing again, this time was for large Rider J.........Ultraman ??)
Diend used a final weapon card and changed DECADE into a large DECADE BELT.
This belt went onto large Rider J waist, 25 rider bacame cards and wrapped around him. J transformed into large Decade. Finally large Decade performed a "25 rider"  rider kick and killed this large SHOCKER MONSTER.

All riders then said good bye to 門矢士 ,光夏海 , 小野寺щヨЗン & 海東大樹 and went back to their own rider world.

Wait...........where is 南光太郎?

You will only see 南光太郎 saying good bye to them in his humnanoid look..........ah........:oh:

The final shot was 光写真館 again. Interestingly 光栄次郎  came up and looked at the photos of 死神博士.
Probably the 死神博士 in 士 world was not the 光栄次郎 in 光夏海's world ................
Another curtain dropped journey started.

Still a lot of questions....

Who is this 鳴滝?
Why is there a decade belt?

I preferred Kamen Rider NEXT than this.
-All the older riders were wasted.
-No individual hensin and final attack. I was waiting for scenes like the changing hands of Super One, chaning forms of RX...........ALL NO:angry:  
-南光太郎 only appeared for less than 10 sec.:*


3D, funny.
The story line was simple and straight.
Just like another TV episodes.
No much special thing to mention.
being defeated.......finding new acient power...........using new power...........dragon sword.....
No robot transformation.....finally won.:78:

Sorry for the long English..........  :(

[ 本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 11-8-2009 06:38 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 10-8-2009 23:50:10 | 顯示全部樓層
English 唔算 long, 因為就算係中文一樣咁long~ 哈~

THX for your detailed report anyway~
發表於 10-8-2009 23:58:07 | 顯示全部樓層
Waiting for your demonbane and gurren lagann review....:71: :71:
發表於 11-8-2009 00:01:47 | 顯示全部樓層 a group of small individual houses = the hotel you stayed at?  in tokyo? :D
發表於 11-8-2009 00:07:49 | 顯示全部樓層
oh my friend, u just come back !:@

U bought another 天元突破drill !!! :handshake:

OH U also watch the Decade movie !!!!!!!  :D
 樓主| 發表於 11-8-2009 00:14:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 DrChanBlackJack 於 11-8-2009 00:07 發表
oh my friend, u just come back !:@

U bought another 天元突破drill !!! :handshake:

OH U also watch the Decade movie !!!!!!!  :D

I bought another pack of Decade vs shocker cards for you as gift.:he:
發表於 11-8-2009 00:22:10 | 顯示全部樓層
睇黎個故事都幾爛呀, 多謝大大個REPORT

唔知TV版結局會唔會講鳴瀧係邊個同DECADE BELT 既來原

南光太郎戲份少成咁, 比佢個PRESS CON呃左呀 :help:
發表於 11-8-2009 00:26:49 | 顯示全部樓層
could you take some photos of that to show us???

coz i was hoping to get it here in hk!
thanks in advance!
 樓主| 發表於 11-8-2009 01:47:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 flash 於 11-8-2009 00:26 發表
could you take some photos of that to show us???

coz i was hoping to get it here in hk!
thanks in advance!

I will pose review of ichiban limited 100 metalloc ver. GL & next demonbane ASAP.
發表於 11-8-2009 04:23:54 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 11-8-2009 05:26:36 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 11-8-2009 08:13:12 | 顯示全部樓層
What a detail report and thx! :77:

Demonbane~~~~~~~~~~~~ :help:
發表於 11-8-2009 08:43:32 | 顯示全部樓層
i think hk will have the 1/144 hguc limited gundam. don't give up.may be you can find it in some centre in hk
發表於 11-8-2009 08:51:22 | 顯示全部樓層
"月影  came out and he was so strong that Decade and Rising Ultimate Kuuga were all defeated. "

發表於 11-8-2009 09:41:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks your Great report GGGG!


小弟21號會到新宿, 想問問附近有無戲院有上這套電影??


同埋 去日本睇戲有甚麼特別的規矩呢??


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