Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: 潮流特駒

您地鍾意玩kubrick嗎? 入黎talk下啦!!

發表於 8-8-2007 12:09:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 keingor 於 8-8-2007 01:42 AM 發表

唔駛咁客氣啦 XD 恭喜大大你BID到自己既心頭好喎 : )

價錢合唔合理呀?我想買TO-FU KUBRICK 其他見到鍾意既都想買.

Um...that depends. I got my "24" kubrick box set at !@X which I consider ok. Try 16F, you may find some of them with better price.

Brought back some of the old kubricks, shall post picture of it later.:DD
 樓主| 發表於 8-8-2007 12:31:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 stevo 於 8-8-2007 10:15 發表

Honestly, i think they are Expensive...:cool:

of course.....YES :die:
發表於 8-8-2007 15:40:36 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 evilalive 於 8-8-2007 12:09 PM 發表

Um...that depends. I got my "24" kubrick box set at !@X which I consider ok. Try 16F, you may find some of them with better price.

Brought back some of the old kubricks, shall post ...

非常期待大大偉大無私的分享 最鍾意睇人D收藏品. : P
發表於 8-8-2007 16:02:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 keingor 於 8-8-2007 03:40 PM 發表

非常期待大大偉大無私的分享 最鍾意睇人D收藏品. : P

There may be some kubrick/bearbrick is fake in the market. But its very simple, all of the kubrick/bearbrick is made by Medicom. There is no other manufacture at the moment. Unless you buy some kubrick/bearbrick without box, otherwise, its very easy to verify.
發表於 8-8-2007 17:32:45 | 顯示全部樓層
100% agreed with big bro 大師兄 as currently ony Medicom manufacturing kubrick. However, I understand there are some consider "sample" like kubrick on sale in the market. They were also kubrick but perhaps fail to pass QC. I also purchase few of those as I basically find them no difference with the box units.
發表於 8-8-2007 23:01:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Ok, a quick snap of my recent collection.:shy: Enjoy:DD

發表於 9-8-2007 11:39:34 | 顯示全部樓層
趁著有空 來拍一下照吧^^

想先介紹一下這款現在很火紅的李小龍 庫柏組
因為我收庫柏有個偏好  就是不收立體的臉
我只收平面的 個人覺得這才是庫柏的特色
但是呢 後來看到許多大大分享ENTERBAY那隻
哇塞 真的是沒話講  超美的啦!

這組一款總共三隻 也有三個表情

第一隻 拿經典的雙截棍
不過最奇怪的是 盒子上明明是黃色  實品卻是橘色= =

第二隻是裸身拿棍 身上也有經典的抓痕 呵呵

本來應該是要耍狠的 怎麼感覺好像在微笑 :oops:


發表於 9-8-2007 15:04:55 | 顯示全部樓層
some many big big are sharing their nice collection, let me also share my favorite SPECIAL FORCE collection...

發表於 9-8-2007 17:27:49 | 顯示全部樓層
Cool, both collection from Big Bro "freetomove" and "stevo" were great. Share more of your collection la.....:)
發表於 10-8-2007 23:44:38 | 顯示全部樓層
Ultra-man and family?:DD

Rider family....:(

Monster family.....:cool:

 樓主| 發表於 13-8-2007 17:38:40 | 顯示全部樓層
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT, 近排家中有煩事, 很小上來(多數回應都係由街上cafe 的computer), 有時上來睇下各bothers回應都好開心, 得閒多d support 啦, thanks :shiny:

小弟現等緊 alien kubrick set b, hope it issue on SEP 2007 :)
發表於 14-8-2007 00:23:05 | 顯示全部樓層
Big Bro 潮流特駒, hope you resolve your problem soon and join us here sooner. :handshake:

Indeed, all our eyes are with Alien kubrick set.....:DD
 樓主| 發表於 14-8-2007 11:48:28 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 evilalive 於 14-8-2007 00:23 發表
Big Bro 潮流特駒, hope you resolve your problem soon and join us here sooner. :handshake:

Indeed, all our eyes are with Alien kubrick set.....:DD

發表於 14-8-2007 15:03:03 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 潮流特駒 於 13-8-2007 05:38 PM 發表
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT, 近排家中有煩事, 很小上來(多數回應都係由街上cafe 的computer), 有時上來睇下各bothers回應都好開心, 得閒多d support 啦, thanks :shiny:

小弟現等緊 alien kubrick set b, ...

呢盒我都訂左, 依家等緊halo3 boxset寄緊來... :shy:
發表於 15-8-2007 02:17:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 freetomove 於 9-8-2007 11:39 AM 發表
趁著有空 來拍一下照吧^^

想先介紹一下這款現在很火紅的李小龍 庫柏組
因為我收庫柏有個偏好  就是不 ...

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