原文章由 636 於 1-12-2006 12:51 PM 發表 因有人想買。thx:sad:
原文章由 特級快獸 於 1-12-2006 01:20 PM 發表 你放依套書上黎引人................ 要罰你版版都影晒出黎分享呀 :shiny:
原文章由 Fukuiraptor 於 2-12-2006 08:14 PM 發表 Good for you! I am still waiting for mine :cool:
原文章由 Fukuiraptor 於 5-12-2006 10:00 PM 發表 上田秀虎到著 :)
原文章由 Fukuiraptor 於 6-12-2006 09:17 PM 發表 Love it so much that you bought two :love:
原文章由 Toys_hunter 於 6-12-2006 09:21 PM 發表 YES AR~~:love: REALLY GOOD!!! (( for one~~
原文章由 Shion 於 6-12-2006 09:54 PM 發表 bigbig,where to buy these 2?? ((is so chesp a,I bought it in thailand,it use almost @%) !!!!:sad: now still have more? I will go to HK this month,where can I buy this one???I want ...
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