Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Godzima

[分享討論] SDF-1, The TD MACROSS Brotherhood

發表於 9-5-2012 20:37:43 | 顯示全部樓層
#9 No.002

發表於 9-5-2012 22:12:50 | 顯示全部樓層
If any bro is interested in these shoulder hinges, check out VF5SS's thread in Macross World Forum:
tman 發表於 9-5-2012 02:19 AM


請留post... 麻煩哂tman 兄 :64:

發表於 9-5-2012 22:28:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks 巴打!我問下其他兄弟有冇興趣先![

No problem. Please check PM.
Out of all the 1/60 v2 I have (1S, 1D, VT, VE, two 1A and two 1J), one (1J) already has bad stress mark on both shoulder hinges. With the new hinges, I would not be afraid to transform and play with them!
發表於 9-5-2012 22:49:35 | 顯示全部樓層
#9 No.002
BlackAce 發表於 9-5-2012 08:37 PM

發表於 9-5-2012 23:10:04 | 顯示全部樓層

請留post... 麻煩哂tman 兄

呂品器 發表於 9-5-2012 10:12 PM

    我要兩對唔該!收錢請隨時出聲,Thank you very much!
發表於 9-5-2012 23:10:09 | 顯示全部樓層
If any bro is interested in these shoulder hinges, check out VF5SS's thread in Macross World Forum:
tman 發表於 9-5-2012 02:19 AM

有勞 tman 兄, 小弟都想要 3 對, 勞煩哂, many thanks! :77::64:
發表於 9-5-2012 23:12:22 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 9-5-2012 23:34:19 | 顯示全部樓層
I am very sorry if I did not make myself clear. I am only offering bro 呂品器 for the extra set. Since I have not personally used it, I can't guarantee how well it works. Also the parts could take up to more than a month (with shipping), I am concern I may not get them before I leave for HK in June. What I am suggesting to 呂品器 is for him to get a set. Make sure he likes it, then the brothers in SDF-1 can organize a group buy and order directly from Shapeways. The international shipping  according to Shapeways website is $19.99. It will only be $2 per person if 10 or more brothers buy together. Since I do not live in HK, it would be too difficult to handle the group buy and logistic. Again, I am sorry if I was not clear this is not an open group buy. :64:
發表於 9-5-2012 23:42:07 | 顯示全部樓層
誤會左  :(  查實我驚而家搵tman兄落,都未必趕得切係佢上機前到手...  

橫掂約開...  大家有冇信心直接落order?大家研究研究...:64:
發表於 9-5-2012 23:56:55 | 顯示全部樓層
小弟都誤會了 ... :(

其實小弟暫無爆肩要換, 不過如果訂開野就訂埋, 守下門口 ...

MW 個邊吾見有什麼問題, 應該可以一試落訂  :64:
發表於 10-5-2012 00:40:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 tman 於 9-5-2012 11:18 AM 編輯

Since Shapeways doesn't guarantee delivery time, that is why I offer bro 呂 (since he is the first one brought up the hinge) to get 1 set for him to try. If I don't get them before I leave for HK, I will just take the extra set myself. As I mentioned, Shapeways can mess up the order too (got a mix of single and double while he ordered all double), be prepared to accept that if it happens. The good news is both versions work.
So bro 呂, do you want two single version or 1 set of double version? I will place an order today.

[Edit] I think VF5SS (the guy who design the part in MW) will keep the hinges available in Shapeways. There will likely be more color available later. So there is no rush to get them immediately. The material for the hinge is polyamide and surface can be a little rough. You will have to polish the surface if you prefer it smooth. Due to the 3D printing process, there could be dimension variation. However, it should be much better than resin recast since it does not shrink.  I really encourage everybody who is interested to read through his post in MW.
發表於 10-5-2012 01:04:44 | 顯示全部樓層
Since Shapeways doesn't guarantee delivery time, that is why I offer bro 呂 (since he is the first o ...
tman 發表於 10-5-2012 12:40 AM

咁呀...  唔客氣,要一對Double Joint試下先,Thanks :64:
發表於 10-5-2012 01:38:48 | 顯示全部樓層
Bro 呂, I just placed the order. One set of double for you. I got 2 sets of single and 2 sets of double for myself. I do see they listed different color now (white, white polish, black, red and purple). I just went with the white for all but one of my double set to see what the difference is (cost $.50 more). The estimated ship date is May 25, but I don't trust that until I got shipping confirmation. Will keep you up to date.
發表於 10-5-2012 08:04:51 | 顯示全部樓層
常威 發表於 9-5-2012 11:12 PM



發表於 10-5-2012 08:10:59 | 顯示全部樓層

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