If any bro is interested in these shoulder hinges, check out VF5SS's thread in Macross World Forum:
http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/ ... opic=36316&st=0
The hinge is made using 3D printing and made of Polyamide. VF5SS and his pal created the 3D model. Shapeways is the 3D printing company. It looks like it is very nicely done. I have not tried it before, but I am planning to buy 3 sets for myself.
Note that there are 2 sizes. The single version ($5.5) is slightly larger than the double version (a pair for $10). MW members stated both versions work. The double version has a smaller profile. There are some variation (supposedly ~0.1mm) due to the process, but it seems like the material is quite easy to work with. It is supposed to take about 2 weeks to get the part (+ shipping time), but one member said the first set he got took more like a month. Another MW member ordered 6 sets (double version) but 2 of the sets are actually the single version (slightly big, see page 5 of the post in MW). So, looks like Shapeways is not perfect in their logistic.
I am going to HK in June. Bro 呂品器, if you are interested, I can order an extra set for you and bring it with me to HK. You can try to see if it works. I won't charge you any service fee :) , just the net cost of the parts. If you like the parts then the brothers in SDF-1 can "pool" and order directly from Shapeways to save some shipping. Let me know what you think. If you are interested, I need to order right away or I will not get it before I am leaving for HK (June 12) in case it takes month to get the parts.
BTW, I have no association with VF5SS or Shapeways in any way. Just trying to help out the bros in SDF-1 that maybe interested. |