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XBOX GTA4 連線一問

發表於 11-11-2008 09:15:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
請問有冇大大試過GTA4 同朋友連線? 唔知點解我同個friend 一連就出個Error.. 什麼什麼唔係同一個session...
發表於 12-11-2008 15:52:44 | 顯示全部樓層
有冇試過其他 game 得唔得 ??
 樓主| 發表於 12-11-2008 16:02:45 | 顯示全部樓層
我試過battle field 就冇問題..
琴日上網搵過, 不過都唔知要點先得...:

- Cannot connect to online game play, returning to single player:  This issue occurs when you try to access multiplayer mode while in single player mode using your cell phone.  Your screen will go blank like it is going to multiplayer mode and this message will appear after a minute.  You will be told to press X for ok and are returned to single player mode.  If you attempt to view your network statistics while insingle player mode after this issue occurs, the game will state you’re not connected to the PSN.

- “Disconnected from game session.  Returning to single player”:  The game will be stuck on a screen saying this message.  The X ok button will be shown on the button right hand side of the screen.  Sometimes you are able to exit out of this by pressing X on your controller, other times, the game will freeze.   This issue also accompanies game freezes (three beep repeat except my console never turns off, I am simply logged out of my account and my controller needs restarted).

原帖由 Vince 於 12-11-2008 03:52 PM 發表
有冇試過其他 game 得唔得 ??
發表於 13-11-2008 10:54:39 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 henryliuch 於 12-11-2008 04:02 PM 發表
我試過battle field 就冇問題..
琴日上網搵過, 不過都唔知要點先得...:

- Cannot connect to online game play, returning to single player:  This issue occurs when you try to access multiplayer mode whil ...

第一個段講 ps3 ... 唔關 xbox 事

第2段 ... 只係話叫你 restart 個 session ...
ps. 我 xbox 未試過 join 唔到人 game 或 者人地 join 唔到我 ... 所以唔係好明你講乜 ... sorry:unhappy:
 樓主| 發表於 13-11-2008 11:04:22 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks:64: 等我再慢慢試下
原帖由 Vince 於 13-11-2008 10:54 AM 發表

第一個段講 ps3 ... 唔關 xbox 事

第2段 ... 只係話叫你 restart 個 session ...
ps. 我 xbox 未試過 join 唔到人 game 或 者人地 join 唔到我 ... 所以唔係好明你講乜 ... sorry:unhappy:
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