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Konami 天元合金 紅蓮之眼玩樂篇

發表於 2-5-2008 14:04:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

"這是一篇叫同好們入手的故事, 買這轉頭轉向天際吧!"
今篇全玩樂, 太好玩, 唔知點型容.....





上色絕對係max factory級數!



反而唔多鐘意對翼, 唔襯!




Start up!

Conculsion: 二千樓下入得過, 好high quality! 合金佔4成, 大慨1/60, 誠意之作! 缺點在於上色有微粒及邊位起白, 其他無乜問題!
發表於 2-5-2008 14:26:21 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2-5-2008 14:27:57 | 顯示全部樓層
二千樓下..........咁貴都入得過:50: no lor:38:
發表於 2-5-2008 14:30:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 hathaway 於 2-5-2008 02:04 PM 發表

"這是一篇叫同好們入手的故事, 買這轉頭轉向天際吧!"
今篇全玩樂, 太好玩, 唔知點型容..... ...

WAH!!! Another master photographer after Tin Big Big... I have been trying my very best to take some picture of my gurren lagann... but still get a lot of light reflection on the metal paint... how did you guys set up the studio to get such difused even light cast over Gurren Lagann... So envy your skill!!! Especially Tin Big Big's photo! He is really Master of Master! Anyway back to the topic.

Great report big big! This toy is even better than MAX Godannar on all aspect beside paint quaility. This is honestly the before Gokin Figure I have ever play!!! The greatest thing is it also included so many extra items that some may find it useless for the figure, but to many of us die hard Fans will love it so much. I was really surprise when I first pick up the Drill Key and found it sooooo heavy!:71:

The sad thing about these extra is the mobile base... Konami should have included the 2 straps and let Gurren Lagann carry it on it's back. If I can get a second box (in a cheap price) I will make such modification hehehe.

Also 1 more point about this Gurren Lagann I would love to comment on is it's WING! Don't understand why Konami can forgot such important setting... The 4 drills on the back of the wing should be half stick out all the time... sigh... they forgot about it... sigh...
 樓主| 發表於 2-5-2008 14:48:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Monutal 於 2-5-2008 02:30 PM 發表

WAH!!! Another master photographer after Tin Big Big... I have been trying my very best to take some picture of my gurren lagann... but still get a lot of light reflection on the metal paint... ho ...

Using Cpl on your camera to deduce the light effect, or like Mr.Tin, use PS for after effect will do!
Actually, I would still prefer without the wings! dont like the outlook of it! just a plus for me....
發表於 2-5-2008 19:28:12 | 顯示全部樓層
:73: :73: :73:
發表於 2-5-2008 22:09:19 | 顯示全部樓層
cool pic !!! :handshake:

though I still not yet have a chance to watch the cartoon..:shy:
發表於 2-5-2008 23:19:09 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2-5-2008 23:31:38 | 顯示全部樓層
毒死人咩...... :69:
發表於 18-5-2016 14:36:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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nelngan 發表於 2-5-2008 02:27 PM
二千樓下..........咁貴都入得過 no lor

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