Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: masterprince

. 異 . 物 . 誌 . ( 30 Nov,2009 update )警告: 部份內容可能令人情緒不安

發表於 16-7-2009 21:40:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 16-7-2009 02:09 PM 發表
小弟早前因外遊而很久沒有更新 , 今篇並非分享小弟的收藏 , 而是部份小弟在今次外遊所影的相片 , 各位可到小弟的Blog瀏覽詳細的內容。

htt ...


 樓主| 發表於 17-7-2009 00:36:28 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 796# 的文章

已PM  :73:
 樓主| 發表於 20-7-2009 10:20:07 | 顯示全部樓層

Giger Museum Bar

參觀完Giger Museum後當然要光顧對面的Giger Museum Bar !


其形狀和拱形窗門互相暉映 , 而拱形窗門又向上伸展到天花再延回另一邊牆的拱形~

門旁牆上掛有Biomechanoid 及有關 Giger 的 poster~

整體米灰的色調和拱形天花令人聯想起古老教堂的內部 , 和一向黑沉的Giger風卻出奇地配襯 , Harkonnen Chair的奇特造型更可完全融合於這個空間之中~


可坐十人的長檯 , 檯腳的設計跟 Harkonnen Chair互相呼應 ~

長檯上的掛燈 , 看清楚原來是由兩個異型頭改裝而成的 ~


位於最盡頭的廂座 , 其中一邊的立體嬰牆 ~

離開時經過此拱門通道返回大街 。

[ 本帖最後由 masterprince 於 20-7-2009 10:24 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 20-7-2009 15:59:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Woo, thanks for posting these pix, guess fans of GIGER should no doubt visit there once in their life time.:handshake: :$ :help:

I wonder how fear it would be when someone get drunk at the pub/bar.:p

[ 本帖最後由 evilalive 於 20-7-2009 04:00 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 20-7-2009 19:47:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 20-7-2009 10:20 AM 發表
參觀完Giger Museum後當然要光顧對面的Giger Museum Bar !

旁邊窗內 ...

正到爆!:$ 有生之年都想去下…
 樓主| 發表於 20-7-2009 22:05:46 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 800# 的文章

如果鍾意Giger的就真是要去一次 !
Bar內的杯碟無特別 , 但在museum shop就有用Li做招紙的紅酒賣 !:58:
發表於 21-7-2009 01:52:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 16-7-2009 02:09 PM 發表
小弟早前因外遊而很久沒有更新 , 今篇並非分享小弟的收藏 , 而是部份小弟在今次外遊所影的相片 , 各位可到小弟的Blog瀏覽詳細的內容。

htt ...


發表於 21-7-2009 04:04:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 20-7-2009 10:05 PM 發表
如果鍾意Giger的就真是要去一次 !
Bar內的杯碟無特別 , 但在museum shop就有用Li做招紙的紅酒賣 !:58:

發表於 21-7-2009 17:12:44 | 顯示全部樓層
OMG, this is good stuff!!! :30:
發表於 27-7-2009 10:56:12 | 顯示全部樓層
非常想入HR Giger Li II McFarlane figure,居然被告知美國不能把這東西寄到加拿大,這是何等沒天理:56:
:70: 真是抑鬱
 樓主| 發表於 27-7-2009 13:23:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 darkzhe 於 27-7-2009 10:56 AM 發表
非常想入HR Giger Li II McFarlane figure,居然被告知美國不能把這東西寄到加拿大,這是何等沒天理:56:
:70: 真是抑鬱 ...

Wellcome ! Which part of Canada are you from? I don't think it is an issue with Canada custom. What you should do is find another seller . :58:
發表於 27-7-2009 14:11:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 27-7-2009 01:23 PM 發表

Wellcome ! Which part of Canada are you from? I don't think it is an issue with Canada custom. What you should do is find another seller . :58:

In Scarborough....I tried to find in ebay ca, but no one. Now problem is I don't know where can find it in Canada....

By the way, why Canada custom and US Custom say no to this great thing:55:
 樓主| 發表於 27-7-2009 14:49:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 darkzhe 於 27-7-2009 02:11 PM 發表

In Scarborough....I tried to find in ebay ca, but no one. Now problem is I don't know where can find it in Canada....

By the way, why Canada custom and US Custom say no to this great thing:55:

Did the Canada custom tell that this cannot be imported ? I just can't see any reason for that. It should not be any cencorship issue on this product. You should check with the US sellers on; ( sucks). This Li should come up every now and then.
Good luck!
發表於 27-7-2009 15:08:14 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 27-7-2009 02:49 PM 發表

Did the Canada custom tell that this cannot be imported ? I just can't see any reason for that. It should not be any cencorship issue on this product. You should check with the US sellers on ebay. ...

I just find another one in, I sent a message but no answer.......:56:   Now i ask the US seller can he use UPS to ship:79:
發表於 28-7-2009 18:00:39 | 顯示全部樓層

HOTTOYS Big Chap Alien sucks!!!!!
wt happen to the head?????
and the body and limbs look weak.....
How come NECA could handle the head but HOTTOYS couldn't?

[ 本帖最後由 kahnballack 於 28-7-2009 06:48 PM 編輯 ]
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