本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 20-11-2012 07:00 PM 編輯
This is a site dedicated to those who are interested in Studio Half Eye toys and would like to become a Halfeye 死士
Halfeye 死士團 modulator
Studio Halfeye "SHE" is a brand known to be expensive.
Some of us may not know it very much.
But you may see its famous toy before e.g. Perfect Change Getter, Grungust and Danocuga Nova.
Let me give you all an introduction of this company and its toys.
Studio Half Eye first started in 1992
The boss is 高島 肇(Takashima Hajime)
The main designers are 高島 肇 & [鈴木サトル
The main features of this SHE series are resin cast toys and assembled by screws.
You will get a SHE limited screw driver in all top model series for adjustment of the tightness of screws.
This screw driver was once for online ordering. But the size of the driver head was just ordinary screw size, so ordering was meaningless. This ordering was cancelled afterwards
The first project was 武龍骸ザガン.
The corresponding novels and toys were launched sequentially.
「武竜骸 ザガン」小説
上巻 ¥1,700
下巻 ¥1,700
「武龍神 ヴィシュマ」小説
第1巻 ¥1,300
第2巻 ¥1,300

This first toy was a white resin cast and you need to build it by yourself.
=>>finally launched in 1995.


In 1996-2001, SHE started to concentrate on the building Macross series.
All the toys were white cast again. But they were all fully transformable.
完全変形YF-21 (1996)

完全変形YF-19 (1997)

Transformation process
完全変形マクロスデジタルミッションVF-X (1997)
完全変形VF-4G (1998)

完全変形VF-5000B (1998)

完全変形VA-3 (1999)

完全変形VF-22 (2000)
完全変形ブレイザーバルキリー (2000)
完全変形VF-11 (2001)

This VF 11 was the last white cast line of SHE................
11/1999 was an important month of SHE. Their first ready built and painted resin cast toy came to life. This was the Perfect Change Getter 1,2,3

Besides, they also learnt to introduce 通販特典
=>>special weapons or gimmicks that you can only get it from SHE direct ordering.
Even if you buy it in Japan, you still fail to get 特典. That's why there will be 2 types of price in Hong Kong. Yen x ~7 for normal version and Yen x ~10 for limited version.
Due to the commercial battle between 2 large shops, the price of limited version has been dropped recently for the limited version. e.g. only ~$700 difference for Dancouga Nova
Afterwards, they re issued this Getter for many times with different color and modifications
renewal version:
added new gimmicks

black version

silver version

Introduction of mega cannon

Metallic color version

Getter is really a super weapon of SHE. Many die hard fans of Getter were killed by SHE for many times.
In 2002, SHE started two new lines:
Both are simplified version of SHE toys.
CV is a little bit more complex than 最小変形
The first 2 CV were Shin Getter 1 and 2

My first SHE item was this Shin Getter no.1

The problems of this version were that it could only undergo single change to either no. 1 or 2.
To me, it was just a larger sized 最小変形. Besides the joints were too loose for posing.
The first 最小変形 was Getter 1.

In 2003, a limited 500s Final battle version 最小変形 Getter 1 came out.

Besides Getter G no. 1 also came out:

2003 was an important year to me, SHE decided to build 勇者 series.
They initially planned to release GFG first but the prototype was too expensive, so they have to redesign the whole thing again. It took nearly ~1y before it was launched. At that moment, they launched an online 勇者 voting.

=>>finally, only 勇者特急 & Ex kaizer were built.
I voted Genesic Gaogaigar and Great Baan Gaan at that time.
The first Yusha was built: Exkaizer:
This exkaizer was quite simple and the design was not so good at all.
The small robot inside the body was metal in the first version and the later reissued version changed it to transparent plastic. Both version did not have painting for the small robot.

Dragonkizer was released later
=>>>Great Exkaizer can be finally formed.

The second one was Gaogfighgar.
This toy was really a classic and it poisoned me deeply.
The first prototype was too large and the final product would cost you for at least 90000 to 100000 yen. So they decided to reduce the size and the final product was smaller than the orignal one. SO the price also dropped but it was still ~60000 yen.
This GFG is really superb. It can perform Final fusion just like that in cartoon. The fists would rotate when the forearms combine with the arms. Besides the G stone would come out during the final part of Fusion.
Three versions were built:
1.white cast with extra red and yellow transparent hands for " Hell and Heaven"
2. ordinary version with single dividing driver head.
3.limited version with 2 different dividing driver heads

Goldion Hammer was also released later for it.


Limited ver: with Goldion Hammer approval key

In 12/2003, it reissued Getter no.1 in another look:
Mechanic look for killing

After 2004, SHE started multiple lines of toys.
超重神 God Gravion was built.

But 超重神 Zwei was later launched and new robots were introduced. The final Ultimate Gravion was also seen in the last scene of the cartoon. SHE decided to build two more 超重神s -God Sigma Gravion and Sol Sigma Gravion. This Gravion series started the plan of 3 to 1 robot route. i.e. 3 robots will be launched in sequence and you need to buy them all before you can get the final form. This put a landmark for their future path.
God Sigma Gravion

Sol Sigma Gravion

The gimmicks were extra weapons and hands for shaking.

神魂合体 has only limited toys in the market:
Kaiyodo resin cast
This was the third one.

The most stunning design of this Godannar was its ability to change the body color from blue to red during the Twin Driver mode.

The oksar in 神魂合体 II ova will be coming in 2008, the blue flame version +/- triple drive mode may be seen. I hope so!
The gimmicks was movable flame

Gun & sword=Dann of Thursday
Two versions were built.


勇者特急 series finally came out in 2006.
2nd 3 to 1 robot series

Gimmick: hand

limited black Mightgaine

gimmick: hands and crystal yellow 動輪剣

gimmick: energy cables for mega cannon shot.

Gimmick: energy cable again

In 2006, SHE got a fight with Bandai. Both companies built the same thing: Gunbuster.
I will not decide the winner, let you choose by yourself.
For me, I chose SHE again.

The gimmicks: multiple weapons

In 2007, LEGEND OF DAIKU-MARYU Gaiking became the 3rd 3 to 1 robot series.

Another limited face open verson was also released in this year.
http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/ ... =%2Bgenesicgaogaiga

The Raiking and Balking are coming in 2008. The final Gaiking The Great prototype was shown in WF 2007. The outlook was good.
Another famous SHE items in 2007 was Grungust.
It caused a lot of people to fall into the sea of SHE.
SHE has upgraded its technique in this toy.
In the past, SHE was critised for the screw holes on the body. This Grungust managed to perform complete transformation and no much screw holes can be seen.
http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/ ... 30015&highlight=SHE

Another limited version will be coming in2008
Grungust no.2 Red lion
limited via Dengeki Hobby
47250 yen
Feb 2008.

Lately in Dec of 2007, the most expensive SHE toy came out.
This is the Dancouga Nova. Try not to concentrate on its original design or comparing with the old Dancouga. This kit is really near perfect.
The kit is nearly fully painted. NO much screws can be seen. The color is silver powdered.
The transformation is 100% complete.
I admitted that the design of the robot is not so good, but this kit seems to be prettier than that in cartoon.


weapons: double daggers and pistols


weapon: AXE


Weapon: auto Gun


Weapon: Rod & gun

Dancouga Nova
=>>look: no much screws

2 pairs of stabilizing pins will automatically come out when you open the lateral covers of the lower limbs=>>spring system.
pics from SHE

=>>just like the cartoon.

As a conclusion, SHE toy is really expensive to a certain extent.
If you have played resin cast ( not the fake copy in Hong Kong) in the past, you will understand that this kind of toy is really expensive.
With the addition of painting and assembling fee to it, you can understand the reason for that price.
SHE is still building a lot of toys. The upcoming 完全変形 would be 破邪大星弾劾凰.
For those who are interested, you may go to SHE website and have a look.
News would be added twice to thrice per week.
Some points to remember for those who play SHE toys::71:
-never twist the toy: resin cast can't tolerate stress
-always loosen the screw a little bit before playing
-always follow the instruction guide for transforming
-never drop the kit
Halfeye 死士團
[ 本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 1-1-2010 10:16 PM 編輯 ] |