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樓主: takeshi

[分享討論] 【對社會有害無益的人】

發表於 28-10-2014 22:26:11 | 顯示全部樓層
真相 TheTruth ... outube_gdata_player
did you know?
we need you
to civiid falling into darkness
we should't  keeo sient
and let the umbrella movement spread out
to let cracks appear
fighting one another
creating an unbalanced society
faking what the people realy want
ignoring the rule of law and making the people suffer
they damage hing kong 's true care values
if the sar government doesn't help the people
we cannot survive under lion rock
we all know that clearly

tne real opponent of the eggs is not the wall, it is the mountain behind it.

you will be safe if you are on their  side
it's the only way out
no matter who you are,speak out
this is the brutal reality


but brutality is not inevitable
you have the power to reverse it
it you put it the reght order

this is the brutal reality
no matter who you are,speak out
it's the only way out
you will be safe if you are on their  side
tne real opponent of the eggs is not the wall, it is the mountain behind it.
we all know that clearly
we cannot survive under lion rock
if the sar government doesn't help the people
they damage hing kong 's true care values
ignoring the rule of law and making the people suffer
faking what the people realy want
creating an unbalanced society

fighting one another
to let cracks appear
and let the umbrella movement spread out
we should't  keeo sient
to civiid falling into darkness
we need you
did you know?
 樓主| 發表於 28-10-2014 23:13:36 | 顯示全部樓層
hk小文 發表於 28-10-2014 05:07 PM
雨傘運動開始之後,有評論話班學生,年輕人唔尊重那些學者,議員,長官,但有無人問過,那些教授有尊重自 ...



發表於 29-10-2014 00:32:31 | 顯示全部樓層
shiufon 發表於 28-10-2014 09:06 PM
OK,我都話囉,如果你認為真係要贏到盡,斷章取義,連每一個字都要同你講嘢嘅人都反駁你唔到 ...

駁我唔倒  係你個人問題  駁倒既慌你會唔駁落去咩  駛乜喺到屈人斷章取義  屈人係為要得到人生嘅滿足咁下流呢?
我生活已經好忙架啦  喺度做「cd-rom」都做左好多年  唔係大是大非當前  鬼得閒理你咩
你邊位呀  嬴你會滿足?乜而家D人興咁樣抬舉你自己既咩?:38:
你係真唔阻至好呀  我又真係好多野未得閒玩  幾乎連「只開盒check件」既時間都無呀  唔該哂:77:

發表於 29-10-2014 08:51:16 | 顯示全部樓層
takeshi 發表於 28-10-2014 11:13 PM

你班叔/伯兩句傾吾掂就打 ...

田少呢 d, 有頭有面有錢有背景,講句自己想講既野,都落得如斯下場,強國?俾你去到火星都無用!
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