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[詢問] maize 1:43 batmobile

發表於 15-2-2014 07:11:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
想請問有冇人知咩地方可以買到maize 1:43 batmobile
順便問埋revoltech既batmobile邊度買最平 因為maize好似好罕有 最後可能買revoltech代替 唔該大家~
發表於 15-2-2014 10:45:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 15-2-2014 18:01:14 | 顯示全部樓層
嘩好詳細!請問ching係邊度買?yahoo bid最平都3魚幾
同埋你知唔知邊度有maize買 因為我好鐘意會着燈既figure,thx
發表於 15-2-2014 18:26:00 | 顯示全部樓層
I have both the maize and the revoltechs. Personally I prefer the maize version. Although the size is smaller than the revoltech, the quality with the maize is way better. revoltech just feels cheap and the paint application is sub par.
I preordered and bought the revoltechs (Black and Camo) when they first came out and I felt it was expensive for the quality I was getting. Not worth the asking price of 3XX, more of a 2XX price range. As for the maize version, Id rather pay for the quality. If you want something bigger, go for the Hotwheels Elite version.

You will find it easier to buy the revoltech version out there, since no one wants that anymore. Maize will be harder to get in my opinion, but good luck in finding one.
 樓主| 發表於 15-2-2014 18:49:08 | 顯示全部樓層
Thx for your opinion!I wanna buy the maize one also becoz it has better details!where should I go,油麻地or wanchai or mk?May I ask what the price range should be?becoz I saw someone sold it for $600 on yahoo bid which is unacceptable for me.also what is the price of hotwheel elite?thx!
發表於 15-2-2014 19:20:01 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 5# jasonchen39

    When I bought my maize, I bought it from SupermanToys for 399 which I found a price I was willing to pay. It was the cheapest I saw compared to other retailers, even though SupermanToys products can be more expensive than others most of the time. I do not know if they have any more in stock, but you can try asking.

I havent seen anymore of these around YMT or MK lately. 600 is way expensive for what it is, but that depends if you really must have it and some may consider this price reasonable if comparing with its original asking price (RRP). Id rather pay an extra 400-500 and get the Hotwheels Elite version instead. That scale is in 1/18 and made of diecast instead of plastic.
 樓主| 發表於 15-2-2014 20:56:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Hotwheel elite 有咩feature?識唔識着燈/開駕駛倉?仲想問下價錢大約幾多先合理,800-1000?thank you so much
發表於 15-2-2014 22:06:49 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 7# jasonchen39

    Its not hard to do a bit of research on the internet ... sics-collection.php

Look on yahoo auction hk. You should be able to find one at reasonable price. The Tumbler was re-released very recently.
 樓主| 發表於 15-2-2014 22:47:32 | 顯示全部樓層
我係YAHOO SEARCH都係大約得2-3個賣家,都過千....個人覺得貴左D AFFORD唔起
發表於 16-2-2014 04:00:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 9# jasonchen39

    No problem. Just had a look on yahoo auction and it seems there isnt a listing for the Hotwheels elite tumbler anymore. Perhaps someone will restock soon.
I used to buy from a seller called Devil_XXXX_XX, he usually gets his stock way before the retailers and sells them the cheapest too. Maybe you could contact him and see if he will restock soon. If not, your best chance is to ask the shops around. Last I remember his price for the Tumbler was around 10XX HKD, which in my opinion is a good price.
發表於 16-2-2014 07:57:39 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  jasonchen39

    Its not hard to do a bit of research on the internet

Look on yahoo  ...
Chockles 發表於 15-2-2014 10:06 PM

Hotwheels 前輪和後面不合比例, 表面望落金屬感不強。

不過camo版減價, 值得買。
發表於 16-2-2014 15:21:27 | 顯示全部樓層
Agree with mushroom bro.
One more thing to take note, The elite versions tend to me more expensive due to extras such as bases included, or doors, bonnet, rear tail gate can be opened.
In this case, the Camo Tumbler is the normal Hotwheels hence the selling price is much lower around 5-6XX. Really depends on your budget and what you want from these models.
 樓主| 發表於 17-2-2014 01:15:39 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 17-2-2014 04:17:09 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 13# jasonchen39

    Ideally I would price this one (Batmobile The Dark Knight Trilogy Tumbler) around the 5XX price range. You should go on US retailer websites and see how much they cost at retail and then you can guage an idea how much they should really cost this present day. For the price on Yahoo though, I doublt you would find a better price anywhere else in HK, since this model has been re-released so many times now. When these non-elite versions first come out, they cost around 3XX-5XX, and then prices goes up. Even the elites should only cost around 8XX-9XX, then they go over 1K. Use your own research and judgment and decide if you want to pay for it. If you plan to buy from the seller that I think you saw (double2XXX) then they are ok. I have ordered from them before and their service was good. I used them cos I could not find any place else selling the car I wanted, but I had to pay a little more for their delivery service.
發表於 17-2-2014 11:28:38 | 顯示全部樓層
Mazie 1:43
Eaglemoss Batmobile 1:43
Revoltech Around 1:32-35
Hotwheel 有
1:50 ??
Tomy 1:64/84 <- 唔記得

小弟只有 1:43 兩款, 因為鍾意車仔呢個比例
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