Warner Bros Chief Says Ben Affleck Is “Perfect” For New Vision Of Batman
The Dark Knight in the unnamed sequel to Man Of Steel is “kind of tired and weary and seasoned and been doing it for a while,” Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara told investors at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media, Communications and Entertainment Conference. Ben Affleck — a controversial choice to play Batman among many fans — “is perfect for the vision….We think it’s going to be huge.” Tsujihara says the film is one example of how his DC Comics unit “really does tie to all parts of our business.” The company has three animated TV shows based on DC characters, and “think about the direct to videos we do with DC and the games. This year we have two huge games.” The CEO added that “I love the way our slate is positioned going forward.” With opportunities in television and home video, “we’re confident we can grow this business.”
之前heath ledger做joker都係比人插
mark 42一出黎又係比人插~
getter1234 發表於 27-8-2013 10:15 PM
贊成, 好多時呢家都讚唔切/插唔切咁
例如 Spider-man 3/ Iron Man 2, 大家都仆倒去睇, 個勢勁到不得了
但睇完 Spider-man 3 之後, 對 Venom 既舖排失望到爆燈
而 Iron Man 2, 中間由 Mark 5 出完場至到 War Machine 出場果大半個鐘真係悶到喊