Warner Bros. kicked Saturday at Comic-Con with a big announcement: Batman and Superman will pair up in a new movie as the follow up to “Man of Steel.”
Zach Snyder, who helmed “Man of Steel,” is co-writing the story with David S. Goyer, who will then pen the screenplay. Production is expected to begin in 2014, with an anticipated release date in summer 2015.
Also At Comic-con: ‘True Blood’ to Return Focus to Vampire-Human Relationships The new Batman has yet to be cast. Christian Bale has, however, said he would not return to the role.
This is unexpected news. Warner Bros.' Comic-Con panel isn't until later today, but apparently some major news is about to be announced. The L.A. Times' Hero Complex blog is reporting that the studio has decided what their follow-up film to "Man Of Steel" is going to be, and not it's not a Superman sequel or a "Justice League" film. According to the newspaper's blog, WB intends to announce a film that features Superman and Batman together; a team-up movie as it were. A 2015 release is being eyed. Update: A "Flash" movie is being eyed for 2016, and a "Justice League" movie for 2017. "Man Of Steel" director Zack Snyder is expected to reunite with his writer David S. Goyer, who also co-wrote many of "The Dark Knight" movies with Christopher Nolan (though in some cases he only received a "story by" credit). Henry Cavill, signed on for the franchise, is expected to return as Superman,
昨日聖地牙哥Comic-Con上由導演薩克薜達宣佈《 超人:鋼鐵英雄 man of steel》開拍續集的重大消息,並由演員哈利李力士讀出一段漫畫《The
Dark Knight Returns》的經典對白,全場瞬即起哄!!