布魯斯偉恩 發表於 26-8-2012 10:46 PM 
This i totally agree. Maybe not the belt... but Maybe the batarangs, the pouches and the grapple gun at least?
BY THE WAY. As much as I like this figure, I have to say to Enterbay - take note if they are reading this (a very general criticism):
(1) although they paid enough attention in detail for collectors - for e.g., lighter box, foam padding, and foam padding inside the belt so that the suit will not be scratched - PLEASE DO Make sure the NAMING of the accessories are correct. The cape in the instructions is somehow called "BAT CLOAK" - which I laughed out loud when I read that... And the "grappling gun" became "SHORT GUN" in the instructions ..... It won't affect the overall figure, but it makes the company look like it has not obtained the license to produce the figure.
(2) The official pictures actually look WORSE than the real product itself...It is a shame. I use my cell phone to take the pictures only, and although they are obviously not in HD, it actually more accurately show the figure for what it is.
(3) The cape should be bigger and longer... this is a very minor nitpick and only diehard batfans will notice. I am going to order a custom cape and I will show you guys when I get it. |