Yes. I agree this decision is no good to 3AA members !!!
Toy is for fun, I only like to get the T ...
RRAAYY 發表於 29-3-2012 01:19 AM
Ankor 165 + Tq 90 + mongro 55=305
set b 3AA = 340
that means the rest .... Book .. Tee .. Cost =35 ( 非優惠而是額外付費)
Then what is the benefit to 3AA member?
Any brother got the idea:?
It's not all rubbish for set A, I'm sure the Square set can be sold in ebay with good profit, probably I will keep TK and Lady Sham. I hope there will be something special on the color way of this Nabler since I have already owned 2 Nablers !
老實講~~雖然我都唔覺Tee同畫集係垃圾~~不過咁樣一set要人地硬食有d過份~~畫集一set賣都仲ok~~!!Tee就應該好似演唱會咁,去睇個展鐘意就買件留念,唔鐘意就睇下算~~!!仲要如果買set c要人地硬食2份Tee同畫集,就算唔同都未必個個啱洗啦~!!我覺得至少要人地硬食一set,買完set a /set b 都仲可以單購1-2件產品~~