
樓主 |
發表於 20-7-2011 21:40:07
Thanks for the comparison
I've only got the Spec version.... well it's taller & cheaper than ...
roundbun 發表於 20-7-2011 11:43 
I think so too, unfortunately Bandai has made too many of the Evas an exclusive, which means fewer bros will have the opportunity to enjoy this great series :42:
robot魂剩係入左初號同2號機, 限定就咪搞我, 以eva既人氣都搞咁多限定真不爽
反而revoltech ...
fatcheong 發表於 20-7-2011 11:55 
Good :$我唔會EXPECT 人追限定, 但係覺得鍾意EVA 的人點都一定要入返隻 R魂 EVA-01 同 EVA-02見識下 |