發表於 29-6-2011 13:43:21
本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 29-6-2011 01:47 PM 編輯
Faiz重要無埋 ...
多其 發表於 28/6/2011 16:57 
Kuga: I buy its toy
Agito: I buy its toy
555: I buy its toy
龍騎, I always hate it: I never buy its toy
Blade: I am Ok with it, I buy its toy
響鬼: I am ok with it, I buy its toy
Kabuto: I like it: I buy its toy
Den O: I don't like the design and the story but I like New Deno O, so I only watch movie and buy new den o toy.
Kiva: OK esp. Emperor form: I buy its toy
Decade: I always hate it: I never its buy
W: I am OK with it, I buy its toy.
I watched most of the above TV episodes
OOO: only red bird form: I only buy this form. By the way, I stopped watching it for a long time.
Fourz: I hate this form and I will probably keep away from it, not to say the toy...............:72:
2011 is really a stunning year:
2nd Gundam Age
All are stunning and unbelievable design. BANDAI, You are great!!! |