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[詢問] [求助] 有於 bigbadtoystore 購物的同好請入

發表於 6-11-2010 14:58:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
小弟未買過, 想問會唔會好麻煩?
發表於 7-11-2010 08:36:06 | 顯示全部樓層
有一樣野方便係可以揀Pile of Loot.  例如你想買兩三樣野, 有一樣出左, 但另外幾樣未出, 你只要set [pile of Loot]option On, 就可以等埋之後d野先一齊寄, 閒番好多錢.

Not good, they have a lot of complaints. Should go somewhere else. Choose HLJ; even though they can  ...
Zankantou 發表於 6-11-2010 04:18 PM

Really?  I have no problem wor, I dealt with them multiple times.  Maybe I am in US la.
發表於 7-11-2010 19:16:56 | 顯示全部樓層
買左兩樣野,另外一樣未出,所以有兩件貨落左去Pile of Loot。因為未送貨,暫時未見有問題。
發表於 16-11-2010 16:08:09 | 顯示全部樓層
ordered from them a few times. no problem at all.  I m from US too
發表於 18-11-2010 01:07:07 | 顯示全部樓層
If you are located in Canada, then it's almost for sure you will be charged for custom, even if they mark your parcel as "gift".
發表於 18-11-2010 16:25:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Not good, they have a lot of complaints. Should go somewhere else. Choose HLJ; even though they can  ...
Zankantou 發表於 7-11-2010 05:18 AM

HLJ sell Japan toys only, no US toys wor
發表於 20-11-2010 08:57:15 | 顯示全部樓層
I bought from bbst from many years, and have not had any problem. I live in the US though. If you are buying Japanese toys, I would recommend hjl or amiami (amiami is my first choice since they have much better price). bbts is pretty picey. If you are into US toys and can not find it locally, they are a viable option. Once in a while they do have big sale. For big items, the big sale plus relatively cheap US domestic shipping are pretty good sometimes. I bought a Jumbo Grade Gundam at 25% off years ago. It would cost me a lot for shipping if I bought from Japan.
發表於 20-11-2010 11:00:06 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, if your going for Japanese toys, then HLJ is the way to go despite how the prices may vary.... ...
Zankantou 發表於 19-11-2010 03:55 PM

Ahh, then sure, Japanese toys through BBTS is ridiculous, yes.  Their Tamashii Exclusive are double/triple the price of the actual item.

But OP most likely is asking for US toys, and I really have never heard any complaints in hisstank, rebelscum, fwoosh, nor TNI, so I am really curious which forum has complaints. ... eller=A94AMUGLOWWQJ
Amazon has 99% positive feedback, they are very very reliable at the very least.
Except for their exclusive items, which they sell in scalper price.  And Transformers, which they sell at SUPER Scalper price.

The one store I have heard multiple complaints is Toys N Joy from Hawaii.  I never got my stuff.
發表於 20-11-2010 11:23:30 | 顯示全部樓層
我係bbts買左幾年野, 都未試過有任何問題.
同duraxyll兄所講一野, 上外國forum睇, 基本上都係無人投訴過.
 樓主| 發表於 20-11-2010 14:07:50 | 顯示全部樓層
有冇朋友係HK用bbts買野? 因為小弟主要想係bbts入d香港冇既items (mcfarlane halo 系列), 聽講procedures唔係好複雜, 但shipping會唔會好貴呢? :64:
發表於 20-11-2010 14:19:08 | 顯示全部樓層
你先去個網站登記 再把你想買的放入購物車 之去結帳 選收貨地址 那時你就會知道寄回香港要多少錢 自己那一刻就會知平定貴... 每個人去買的東西不同個運費又唔會一樣... 我買過 我個人覺得 遍貴.十至二十美元
發表於 22-11-2010 09:41:33 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 12# Assassin
基本上同一般網站購物無甚麼分別,但我幾鍾意佢個"pile of Loot"的安排,可以集齊想買的一次過送過來.可以慳番d運費.
正如yelland01 兄所言,運費真視乎你買的貨量和貨的重量,因為郵費是計重量的,但因為有"pile of Loot"的功能,你可以預算到用最慳的運費收到最多的貨.
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