發表於 20-7-2010 12:17:41
講設計呢隻真係好出色,但如果當MP睇,手功細節我覺得就稍為粗糙一 ...
warxv 發表於 20-7-2010 10:08 AM 
really nice touch-up work of yours. "用了金,銀藍及銀三隻色去幫細部上色,其實用少一種色效果應該好一點,現在有點太花巧的感覺."
If you could only pick two touch-up colors, which one would be out of the list?? Silver or silver-blue? I've pre-ordered the MP version & am interested to do some touch-up as well, though I'm really an amatuer (don't even know what kind of paint / lacquer to consume). |