genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 12:16:22

bunnyyau 發表於 24-4-2018 12:10 PM


JoXXXhine........................she knows me well after repeated SAD toys.

CPY_2001 發表於 24-4-2018 12:54:02

本帖最後由 CPY_2001 於 24-4-2018 12:55 PM 編輯

馬仔 發表於 24-4-2018 11:25 AM
恐龍系列1, 2, 3 號 - 1, 2號無咩問題, 係3號唔知點解咁污蔑, 成隻野上左D啡啡地色, 我用THINNER清左一部 ...


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 24-4-2018 12:54:03

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 12:16 PM
JoXXXhine........................she knows...

Only because she wanna date you pal.................... {:1_374:}

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 14:36:20

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 24-4-2018 12:54 PM
Only because she wanna date you pal....................


genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 14:43:31

CPY_2001 發表於 24-4-2018 12:54 PM
其實天威果幾舊海綿如果冇咗會有咩影響?因為以我所知係為咗冇咁易花,所以冇咁反感,如果拎走咗對合體冇 ...

天威, design is too stupid, once u combine, then the paint will be scratched. not talking about the combination first, I checked three boxes in sentinel, all had the same cracking like surface on the red paint. Further more, the joints are ridiculous, how can u use plastic for certain joints??? THye always like to use metal body parts but plastic for joints. Totally unacceptable. JUst like Danocuga, I asked them before release about the material of the joints, they told me that it would be industrial PVC.......very strong and results were brittle shoulders and hips.

Shoulder design, thin PVC to stand against heavy shoulder and arm!!!!

Finally changed to new parts in realistic color least they know the problem.

MP562 發表於 24-4-2018 22:11:02

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 02:43 PM
天威, design is too stupid, once u combine, then the paint will be scratched. not talking about th ...


追風 發表於 24-4-2018 23:34:46

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 24-4-2018 12:16 PM
JoXXXhine........................she knows...


stonekeung01 發表於 25-4-2018 04:14:38

UnripeHero 發表於 25-4-2018 07:27:33


紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 07:32:23

UnripeHero 發表於 25-4-2018 07:27 AM
暫時未買過千值練,因為真係好貴。而且各位大師都說每個產品都有嚴重缺陷 ...


紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 07:44:05


gamelife 發表於 25-4-2018 10:21:18

本帖最後由 gamelife 於 25-4-2018 10:23 AM 編輯

紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 07:44 AM
又,純粹由變形設計角度去睇,呢隻有趣少少係得對肩膀部份(頭盔未知佢會點演譯),憑咩賣得貴過同廠隻超獸? ...
憑佢時隔2年之後原料同人工上漲, 睇返其他玩具都一樣系咁
各位師兄自己人工2年前同今日都升左啦, 咁樣講通唔通先?

紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 10:36:44

gamelife 發表於 25-4-2018 10:21 AM
憑佢時隔2年之後原料同人工上漲, 睇返其他玩具都一樣系咁
各位師兄自己人工2年前同今日都升左啦, 咁樣講通 ...


genesicgaogaiga 發表於 25-4-2018 10:41:45

本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 25-4-2018 10:44 AM 編輯

紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 07:32 AM
但其實有defect都唔係最大問題,唔肯承認先係 ...
esp. transformtion or combination products. I think the designer should be have a very bad marks in physics during his school days. Only concentrated on outlook, never think of physics. I have asked Sentinel to reflect this issueto the designer.

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 25-4-2018 10:43:20

紫月葵 發表於 25-4-2018 07:44 AM
又,純粹由變形設計角度去睇,呢隻有趣少少係得對肩膀部份(頭盔未知佢會點演譯),憑咩賣得貴過同廠隻超獸? ...

It is much simpler than Dancouga, very simple design. Studio Half Eye was building Gravion under the line of SIMPLE CHANGE instead of PERFECT CHANGE.
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查看完整版本: 千值練 METAMOR-FORCE “BARI”ATION 超重神GRAVION (48# updated)