Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: 潮流特駒

潮流特駒:「有玩SIC嗎? 入黎talk下啦!」

 樓主| 發表於 14-3-2008 09:30:18 | 顯示全部樓層
復刻喇, 未買就係時候出手喇:p

S.I.C. CLASSIC2007仮面劍


發表於 14-3-2008 11:09:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 潮流特駒 於 14-3-2008 09:30 AM 發表
復刻喇, 未買就係時候出手喇:p

S.I.C. CLASSIC2007仮面劍


快D 快 D 快D ~~~ :43: :43: :43:
發表於 14-3-2008 12:38:44 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 kuga_1987 於 13-3-2008 09:51 PM 發表
好似555咁~我都係入168 je re板~幾開心ar個時~~~:73:
發表於 14-3-2008 16:02:35 | 顯示全部樓層
記吾記得 D 東映限定幾時有?? :time:
發表於 14-3-2008 20:25:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 潮流特駒 於 14-3-2008 09:25 AM 發表

發表於 14-3-2008 23:12:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Kenshiro 於 13-3-2008 03:49 PM 發表

For me, SIC is more a displayable figure for taking pictures. SIC is more stylish on appearance, but on the other hand it may not be a favourable choice for every rider fans.

SH or SHF is more ...

Yes you're straight to the point... yet there's definitely space for bandai to improve its SIC collection don't you think so...?  even if SIC is more like a display item instead of a real "toy for kids".   SIC #40 Agito is my very first Rider SIC & I love its articulation / joints alot.. the downside is that it's got loosen parts (the whole right leg fell out when I played with it).
發表於 14-3-2008 23:25:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 roundbun 於 14-3-2008 11:12 PM 發表

Yes you're straight to the point... yet there's definitely space for bandai to improve its SIC collection don't you think so...?  even if SIC is more like a display item instead of a real "toy for ...

Their joints 've already improved a lot by comparing recent Agito to previous products like Kuuga or  No.1.

The swing angle for the joints are improved, but it's still very easy to loose or break. :55: :55:

I really hope that they can issue more Rider with bikes too. :43: :43:
發表於 14-3-2008 23:53:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Kenshiro 於 14-3-2008 11:25 PM 發表

Their joints 've already improved a lot by comparing recent Agito to previous products like Kuuga or  No.1.

The swing angle for the joints are improved, but it's still very easy to loose or br ...

..yes yes.. just like the upcoming movie realization / SIC of the Next 1 & 2... I'd definitely love them with bikes too !

I don't know why but my familiar toy shop said that there've been a supply shortage of bandai rider products lately (e.g. I asked him to reserve all SH figuarts for me but still haven't arrived; the Next 1 & 2 movie realization / SIC are also in doubt).
 樓主| 發表於 15-3-2008 01:44:29 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 小刺蛋 於 14-3-2008 16:02 發表
記吾記得 D 東映限定幾時有?? :time:

格連 will be MAR
裝甲 will be June
紅心    will be July
發表於 16-3-2008 02:25:00 | 顯示全部樓層
大家好 初來報到 請多多指教:34::34:
我都係rider迷 最近迷上左sic 但有點問題不明白
1. 我見某些店舖有一隻銀色的rx 那隻是某某限定版嗎 還是祖國的同人作品:30:
2. 東映的限定是甚麼來的 以及價錢是否比一般的sic貴10條街:30:
發表於 16-3-2008 20:26:11 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 roundbun 於 14-3-2008 11:53 PM 發表

..yes yes.. just like the upcoming movie realization / SIC of the Next 1 & 2... I'd definitely love them with bikes too !

I don't know why but my familiar toy shop said that there've been a sup ...

因為聽聞瑞華行cut咗啲 SHF嘅頂單, 因此只有少量行貨流入市面.

不過the Next No.1 and V3 係熱賣貨品, 希望遲D會返貨啦...:o

係呢個度講SHF 好似唔係咁好:(  ..得閒去吓裝區啦:78: :78:
 樓主| 發表於 17-3-2008 13:22:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ckpole 於 16-3-2008 02:25 發表
大家好 初來報到 請多多指教:34::34:
我都係rider迷 最近迷上左sic 但有點問題不明白
1. 我見某些店舖有一隻銀色的rx 那隻是某某限定版嗎 還是祖國的同人作品:30:
2. 東映的限定是甚麼來的 以及價錢是否比一般的s ...

首先, 歡迎您加入~!!

Answer here:

A1. I think you mean " ANOTHER RX ", 是限定品, 但市面有很多貨, 唔貴, 在hero saga書中, 它是有斗蓬的, 因此市面有老翻斗蓬賣。

A2. 東映限定是日本東映公司出的限定品, 其實 sic 曾經出過很多限定 example " J, 十面鬼, 555 加速型, 紅亞馬遜, 灰版龍騎&王蛇, 龍騎survier, 龍牙.....etc, 而黎緊有 格連jack form, 裝甲響鬼, 紅心 jack form......等, 通常限定品預定是比較平(因多數都炒), 當然亦需當心老翻。

發表於 17-3-2008 19:54:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 潮流特駒 於 17-3-2008 01:22 PM 發表

首先, 歡迎您加入~!!

Answer here:

A1. I think you mean " ANOTHER RX ", 是限定品, 但市面有很多貨, 唔貴, 在hero saga書中, 它是有斗蓬的, 因此市面有老翻斗蓬賣。

A2. 東映限定是日本東映公司出的限 ...

原來如此 因為在下見到another rx d價錢好奇怪 有d地方係勁貴的:(
咁如果我想買東映將出紅心 jack form 咁係咪要去訂先會有
定係好似d sic限定咁 周街都有得買呢 同埋東映出的是否不會有再版:?
同埋 我想問除左現時點 街旺 笑慢同船外 仲有冇其他地方有得買sic
因為在下想買返以前出的sic 但睇過晒以上的地方d商品 大多都係一樣 都係個幾隻再版............:no:
 樓主| 發表於 17-3-2008 22:17:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ckpole 於 17-3-2008 19:54 發表

原來如此 因為在下見到another rx d價錢好奇怪 有d地方係勁貴的:(
咁如果我想買東映將出紅心 jack form 咁係咪要去訂先會有
定係好似d sic限定咁 周街都有得買 ...

a1. 紅心 jack form 可試去蕉人訂.....6舊半 :p

a2. 想買邊隻 sic, tell me and help you check? :handshake:
發表於 17-3-2008 22:20:20 | 顯示全部樓層
駒大 rx 影月 v3而家要幾銀:!
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