grab many Gundam stuff in 1 day, yet still can't grab the Exia DX at resonable price.
The most unorganized pics of mine... Hopefuly I can take great pic of them in this weekend, stay tune! :)
My blog!
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 28-3-2009 08:07 AM 發表
Congratualtion but................. my situration is more worse than u...................... All $ gone for me yesterday....................... :72:
Zeta Plus X 2. 61 式陸上自衛隊裝甲服, 匠魂 Achieve, 黑魂雷登, 全訂 A3 不知火丙型, SIC MoMo 未契約形態, Robot Spirit Gedessa, Revotech Assemble Borg - Mr. Assemble, SIC Climax Form, DX VF-25G.......... Sorry............ Over $7,000............. :55:
My target today is........... RVF-25 Luca 機................ :shy: