發表於 18-12-2006 16:04:57
原文章由 ckwan 於 18-12-2006 03:45 PM 發表
thanks Monutal 大大介紹
因為在下之前好少接觸機械人玩具,最多都係玩下 0079 既 gumdam
但最近因為無聊,咁o岩想搵 d 細細隻可以變形既玩具黎玩
I can answer a bit of this. "Ship Ship" and "SuperMxN" can order these toys. And you maybe able to find some in "In's Point" as well depend on your luck. Due to the high price of these toys (HK$1000 +/- at lease), almost all shop who sell this series toy are by order to prevent dead stock.
Talking about the quaility of these toy, generally they are great. Good colouring and nice detail. But they are all made out of HAND! So quaility may varies a bit. But don't get too scare, the quailiy will not be too far off. All the one I got are fine except Gaofighgar's left arm... sigh...
The toy is made out of Resin Cast, so it's a bit brittle, that's easy to break if not handle with care, I dropped my mightgunner from my chest onto the carpet floor, and no damage at all. So it's not as bad as you will think after reading my comment. If you have played with any Resin Cast toy you will know what I meam. They are easy to snap, but strong enough to play with.
All of the collector will tell you not to play with them because they are made out of Resin Cast. We normally transform them once or twice and set them up for display. They are such EXCELLENT toy for display! the poseability is good (of course don't compare it with HCM-pro...) Collector like me, love to transofrm them into the form we love and set them up for display for a long time before we pick them up again to change pose. You will be surprise hte transformation process of these toy and you will really admire the design and effort they put in this toy.
If you don't believe me, just try buy one, and you will not be able to stop.
They are excellent toy for display and play with occationally. I recommend order the one you love, but please bare in mind most of them need to take 1 month before they can arrive in HK. Also due to Hand made, limited stock is available.
I recommend you to buy the Mightgaine first for start. Then think about the other later. Trust me you will love them! |