200Yen From TV animation ONE PIECE 麦わらライトマスコット
200Yen From TV animation ONE PIECE ワンピースWメタルチャーム2
回復 933#S20081997
finally able to view TD again...just wanna say I bought 黄猿 for 1000Yen in Nakano in the past weekend...this weekend is the last weekend in japan, Nakano for the last time, I AM COMING!!!!!
2011年4月發售 Excellent Model Portrait.Of.Pirates One Piece Series NEO-DX 不死鳥 馬爾高 6,000Yen
2011年4月發售 Excellent Model Portrait.Of.Pirates One Piece SEries NEO-DX 特拉法爾嘉·羅 6,000Yen