發表於 22-12-2008 23:33:02
原帖由 tai_chi_pig 於 22-12-2008 10:14 PM 發表 
多謝各大大指引, 但係新版唔係可動性高d, 玻璃又加咗塗層, 好似完美啲噃....我係要"娜"唔要公...8魚4草真係吸引, 但係" 賤物鬥窮人" 佢始終唔夠我鬥....:56: :@ yamato never said they will have this 1/60 wor !! only is we guest !! i think if u have money to buy yours choose ( 3 items ) we will not suggest u to buy this 3 of 1 .coz bandai one is ugly, old 1/60 is old version ,other 1/144 parts very loose .but 1/48 is very perfect .i give it 95 points .if have new 1/60 issue also is 92 points .coz size small but more expensive i think around 7.2 - 6.8 fish ( if have ).if i am u havent 8.4 fish now , i will save more money .buy later or wait for luner new year will have more money .buy a 95 points toy .:78: if i very "long air " pls dont mind .think think yourself .
[ 本帖最後由 S20081997 於 22-12-2008 11:37 PM 編輯 ] |