Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Godzima

[分享討論] SDF-1, The TD MACROSS Brotherhood

發表於 21-12-2008 00:47:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 andykkfung 於 21-12-2008 12:40 AM 發表

冇呀, 我淨係去做gym 咋, 今個乾無可乾啦:die: , 隻1D 出之前我仲要KO 兩隻(一條 1S 同一條1J), 神呀救救我吧:sad:
but now only have e n run .a u ok ?? :78:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:48:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 andykkfung 於 21-12-2008 12:45 AM 發表

我係再版果陣買, 就係入左li 隻之後就跌左落個無底深潭裡面, 差唔多月月進頁呀:59:
but this set is very good wor !! ( coz i love 1/48 more ) :78:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:48:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 S20081997 於 21-12-2008 12:41 AM 發表
also come back la ..................... :78: let drink ( at facebook ) :)  

Drink night tea ! :78: Cheer! :43:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:49:07 | 顯示全部樓層
that is a good shop. i got my sv51 and 0s with ghost from him in March. the owner was very helpful. SUPPORT.

but my sv51 has missing part, (the chest hidden silver cannon on the right in robot mode). did not notice until i opened and transformed

原帖由 BlackAce 於 21-12-2008 12:43 AM 發表

Yes! :43: 去菜檔放血:70: :80:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:49:27 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BlackAce 於 21-12-2008 12:46 AM 發表

慢慢來, YAMATO 一定會等您的:34: :77: , 如果有神的話, 可以送幾隻 1/48 + 1/60 給我好嗎?:52:
神= mark 6 :) :)
發表於 21-12-2008 00:50:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 barbar 於 21-12-2008 12:49 AM 發表
that is a good shop. i got my sv51 and 0s with ghost from him in March. the owner was very helpful. SUPPORT.

but my sv51 has missing part, (the chest hidden silver cannon on the right in robot mode ...
tell him ?? :@
發表於 21-12-2008 00:51:39 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 andykkfung 於 21-12-2008 12:46 AM 發表


:ice: 連入2隻, 今個月不要再出好嗎:sad:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:52:47 | 顯示全部樓層
too late la... did not know until i got back home. but it was not his fault. thats ok, another reasons to display it in fighter mode or gelkwalk mode only

原帖由 S20081997 於 21-12-2008 12:50 AM 發表
tell him ?? :@  
發表於 21-12-2008 00:52:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BlackAce 於 21-12-2008 12:46 AM 發表

慢慢來, YAMATO 一定會等您的:34: :77: , 如果有神的話, 可以送幾隻 1/48 + 1/60 給我好嗎?:52:
i am macross god ; now give u some 1/108 :78: (48+60) :)
發表於 21-12-2008 00:55:03 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 barbar 於 21-12-2008 12:52 AM 發表
too late la... did not know until i got back home. but it was not his fault. thats ok, another reasons to display it in fighter mode or gelkwalk mode only
:sad: :56: so bad
發表於 21-12-2008 00:55:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 S20081997 於 21-12-2008 12:52 AM 發表
i am macross god ; now give u some 1/108 :78: (48+60) :)  

Before you give me, can you give the photo of 1/108?:^
發表於 21-12-2008 00:56:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BlackAce 於 21-12-2008 12:51 AM 發表

:ice: 連入2隻, 今個月不要再出好嗎:sad:
今日菜檔多超人 ?? :30: :30:
發表於 21-12-2008 00:57:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BlackAce 於 21-12-2008 12:55 AM 發表

Before you give me, can you give the photo of 1/108?:^
:78: only remain 1 hope ,want or not ?? :blame: (:) )
發表於 21-12-2008 00:58:51 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 S20081997 於 21-12-2008 12:56 AM 發表
今日菜檔多超人 ?? :30: :30:  

Yes. I am one of the superman call super black ace:73:
發表於 21-12-2008 01:00:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 S20081997 於 21-12-2008 12:57 AM 發表
:78: only remain 1 hope ,want or not ?? :blame: (:) )

:57: Give me one please God!!:58:
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