原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 6-6-2008 11:44 PM 發表 Yes! I,m the one who have read bro Warmblood's post and bought them today! Share mine later! May be Tuesday! :43:
原帖由 dragonman 於 6-6-2008 11:45 PM 發表 我今日見到德哥你啦∼∼∼ :65:
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 7-6-2008 12:08 AM 發表 Yes! A handsome guy which wearing black tee is u! Right? :71: Why don't say hi to me? Casue I,m speaking foul language at that time? :34:
原帖由 Warmblood 於 7-6-2008 10:36 AM 發表 :77: 話咗YF-21係好野...... 企得幾似機械人....我仲意呀:52: Brother......請教下張水貼來自何方...:64:
原帖由 dragonman 於 7-6-2008 12:47 PM 發表 部VF-0S用淨既水貼....... :shy: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/135/330633973 ...
原帖由 Warmblood 於 7-6-2008 12:58 PM 發表 Thank you big big.......
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