原帖由 八口八口 於 24-4-2008 12:58 PM 發表 
大大下次不如試下挑戰photo shop最高難度
Thank you for your kind complement. Truly speaking I only knew very little about this G Gundam animation as I have yet to watch the show although it had been released for more than a decade. :shy: Since I do not know how G Gundam should strike the actual pose of 石破天驚拳, therefore, I reillustrate it in my own version as mentioned earlier. Pardon me for the misleading.
原帖由 紅雪 於 24-4-2008 01:27 PM 發表 
ps 用過龍 太光
隻 g 高達一流
Bro, thank you for your kind comments. I am still learning to use photoshop ( in fact, I only got a few more days left to use the trial version of photoshop downloaded from internet, after that, I will be back to normal, sigh..) and was trying to illustrate new powerful act of G Gundam in my own version. |