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樓主: masterprince

. 異 . 物 . 誌 . ( 30 Nov,2009 update )警告: 部份內容可能令人情緒不安

發表於 25-8-2008 14:59:43 | 顯示全部樓層

Colonial Marines Elite Force - Part 1
發表於 26-8-2008 07:44:54 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 26-8-2008 15:41:01 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MAX 於 25-8-2008 02:59 PM 發表

Colonial Marines Elite Force - Part 1 ...

之前睇過 , 不過已無印象了 , 真係做得唔錯 ! 遲D會有個Colonial Marines的Game出 , 好期待!
 樓主| 發表於 31-8-2008 12:44:48 | 顯示全部樓層
It is finally here ! Just took some quick pictures showing what everyone should be interested in. The packing is like Dallas , with outer box jacket that looks like the helmet , except there is a HOLE at the visor area . And main box cover showing a FACEHUGGED Kane instead . Clever!!!

The head sculpt does not look like John Hurts at all !!! However the paint still is as good as Dallas'. There is a facehugged head sculpt included which ,in other hand, has a sloppy paint job. It still looks fine but when comparing to the normal head, it just does not have the same level of attention in paint application.

There is an extra damaged visor with a hole in it. The hole looks like it been melted through with some discolouration around the edge. Nice realistic effect!

The last piece that is different from Dallas is the OPEN alien egg. Like the one came with Dallas , this is also coming from the snape kit as well. The upper part of the egg is a new sulpt though. It even has detail of a face hugger's tail inside ! Nice touch but again, it is a AVP version egg , not the bigger ALIEN version.

With the extra parts that come with the set , Kane may be a better deal than Dallas. However the character likness of Dallas beats Kane for sure. This is really a tough decision to just pick one. So the easy way would be : BUY BOTH !

 樓主| 發表於 1-9-2008 11:38:47 | 顯示全部樓層
加回中文版 ......

Kane 是繼 Dallas 後 ALIEN系列的第二彈 , 包裝設計沿用印上頭盔的外盒 , 但今次玻璃穿了個洞 ,及內盒印上給FaceHugger附著的頭 。

主體有著和Dallas同款不同色的太空衣 , 除了前胸甲及背包上的名字外 , 其他裝備基本上也是一樣的 , 包括可著燈的頭盔及背包 , 而這Kane比Dallas更加多了一些部件: 一個給FaceHugger附著的頭雕及一個給腐蝕穿了的頭盔玻璃 。

說到頭雕 , 因為演員John Hurt不簽放其肖像權 , 所以Hottoys要以另一面相作為Kane的頭雕 , 這可算是這個Kane最大的遺憾 , 縱使是另一造型但上色一點也不馬虎 , 反而FaceHugger頭雕的上色就令小弟非常失望 : 膚色竟然和FaceHugger一樣 ??? 頭髮上色馬虎出界 , 一點也不像Hottoys的出品 !!! 而相信大部份買家都會選用這個特別的頭雕來作陳列 , 而Hottoys偏偏就在此失手 .......   

附送的蛋今次改為開口版 , 內部雕有Face Hugger的尾部 , 還算精美 , 不過蛋型還是不正確地用上AVP的版本。
除了頭雕的問題外 , 其實整體都是一件很有質素的產品 , 希望遲些會在Hottoys的其他figure中會發現到 John Hurt 的蹤影 。
發表於 1-9-2008 16:52:08 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 1-9-2008 18:14:53 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for sharing the figure and reviews.:71:

It's real sad the HS didn't look like John himself, but I do like you way you said BUY BOTH if someone can't decided which to collect. It's a pretty strong statement and may only speak out from the rich:p :58:
發表於 1-9-2008 19:27:36 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 24-8-2008 04:00 AM 發表 Thanks for your kind words.   I have visited your site and seen some heavy duty mods.  Very impressive stuff indeed !!! My skills is no where in the same territory of yours.  I believed you 've wo ...
I'm glad that you like my work.  Your commentary is too kind!  Yes, I did that CG and felt lucky to win.  There is a lot of talented people in this forum.
 樓主| 發表於 1-9-2008 19:58:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 evilalive 於 1-9-2008 06:14 PM 發表
Thanks for sharing the figure and reviews.:71:

It's real sad the HS didn't look like John himself, but I do like you way you said BUY BOTH if someone can't decided which to collect. It's a pretty  ...

Most of the collector will end up buying both , just a matter of time.  So instead of paying higher secondary market price at a later time , it may be wiser to just get it at retail or pre-order price while you can. :58:
 樓主| 發表於 2-9-2008 10:28:26 | 顯示全部樓層
終於忍不住要動手 , 昨晚用了兩個多小時和它搏鬥 , 大致完成 , 不過有些地方須要touch up ......

發表於 2-9-2008 10:51:11 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 masterprince 於 2-9-2008 10:28 AM 發表
終於忍不住要動手 , 昨晚用了兩個多小時和它搏鬥 , 大致完成 , 不過有些地方須要touch up ...... ...

Woo, she look life and juicy.......simply awesome
發表於 2-9-2008 10:55:52 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2-9-2008 15:50:33 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2-9-2008 16:10:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MAX 於 2-9-2008 03:50 PM 發表

原裝好似出土化石/木乃伊 , 乾骾骾一舊實 , 面色和FaceHugger一樣!!!???:50:
發表於 2-9-2008 16:20:47 | 顯示全部樓層

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