
樓主 |
發表於 30-1-2008 12:03:00
原帖由 合金狂人rvs 於 30-1-2008 11:49 發表 
魔裝機神相信又會有好多人訂, 唔知蕉人會唔會又有special offer呢? 另外, 想問下she o的product係唔係人手組件架呢
To be honest, all toys need 人手組件. Due to the relatively smaller size, multiple screws and multiple joints, the process of 組件 is a little bit more complex and time consuming.
Special offer is very very rare in SupermXX. The main reason for previous special offer in Dancouga Nova was that Ship Ship was doing a special offer at the same time. And many consumers also complained to SupermXX that 10 x Yen would be much much more than the price of Ship Ship. Since at least people including me have ordered from SupermXX and the total amount of money was large, so they managed to get a special discount from SHE=>~8 x yen for limited ed. This was the only one and only one special offer at the moment. |