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[新品消息] Robo道 機甲界 Galient 加里安 ~Kelvin Sau 版本~

發表於 7-8-2021 22:20:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

發表於 8-8-2021 00:45:23 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 9-8-2021 13:45:21 | 顯示全部樓層
好有興趣! 唔知會唔會出埋條蛇呢?
發表於 9-8-2021 14:28:37 | 顯示全部樓層
wkhken 發表於 8-8-2021 12:45 AM
我好鐘意加里安,但睇完這隻完全無興趣買。造形師完全做唔出加里安風格。可惜。 ...


發表於 9-8-2021 14:30:52 | 顯示全部樓層

我有wave 果隻,雖然係ova 版,對加里昂算減o左毒,
發表於 9-8-2021 19:47:34 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-8-2021 01:26:50 | 顯示全部樓層
wkhken 發表於 7-8-2021 11:45 AM
我好鐘意加里安,但睇完這隻完全無興趣買。造形師完全做唔出加里安風格。可惜。 ...

但你可以對所有“ver. Ka”說同樣的話。如果它與原版沒有大風格區別,那麼這些“設計師版”的意義何在?

當年 RX-78-2 確實需要更新設計的,原(大河)版太“人形化”太 outdate。但Galient(仍然)沒必要類似的“魔改”—它的原設styling已經近乎完美, —D都outdate。  這些機械化“設計師版”不會比原版的“更好”,只是feel “不同”D。

五星,  機甲界,  VOTOM Scope Dogs 等design 真的不需要這些類型的“設計師版”更新。

But you can say the same for all "ver. Ka" though?  If it's not much different from the original, then what's the point of these "designer version"?  

RX-78-2 NEEDED a design update from its organic, human proportion to a more mechanical styling.  "Galient" doesn't - its timeless original design doesn't need that treament.  The "mechanized" changes really don't make it "better" than the original, just "different."

FSS, Galient, VOTOM Scope Dogs, etc. really do't need these type of "designer version" update.
發表於 10-8-2021 04:37:54 | 顯示全部樓層
You can say Mazingers, Shin Getter, Gurren Lagann, GGG & GGGG, Flame Toys TFs, all don't need “設計師版”, but yet we have waves and waves of these every couple years :D. Whether you like it or not, just let people that enjoy the newer designs have their fun.
發表於 10-8-2021 08:50:03 | 顯示全部樓層
請問知唔知有幾高 ?
發表於 10-8-2021 09:06:42 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 wkhken 於 10-8-2021 09:13 AM 編輯

我並不是抗拒設計師版嘅存在。我亦好喜歡Ver Ka RX78-2 。甚至乎佐藤三一改到完全不似原作都十分鐘意。只因人家改得靚,有正面冲擊。但這隻加里安,總是看得不順眼,感覺太科幻,缺少了幻想Fantasy嘅優雅。所以增加嘅細節和線條都很Sci Fri。設計師刪減咗一些原有曲線線條,改用咗較起角嘅設計,令到整體感覺變得過硬,夾不入加里安嘅世界。這隻我完全不賣帳。
發表於 10-8-2021 09:56:10 | 顯示全部樓層
鉄巨神/Galient 原設其實都幾硬㗎, 如果唔計OVA版. 不過唔鐘意依隻又唔係問題.各花入各眼嘛.

發表於 10-8-2021 10:45:33 | 顯示全部樓層
mpchi 發表於 10-8-2021 09:56 AM
鉄巨神/Galient 原設其實都幾硬㗎, 如果唔計OVA版. 不過唔鐘意依隻又唔係問題.各花入各眼嘛.



發表於 10-8-2021 12:06:12 | 顯示全部樓層
mpchi 發表於 9-8-2021 03:37 PM
You can say Mazingers, Shin Getter, Gurren Lagann, GGG & GGGG, Flame Toys TFs, all don't need “設計 ...

I'm not against people buying any of these different "designer versions."  I like and appreciate many of the renewed designs.  Beside, it is not up to "me" to decide if a design is necessary or not, or who's allowed to enjoy a design or not (I hate those arrogance too).  Rather, the Capitolist Market will decide the winners/losers.  

But sometimes, I honestly think designers do need to leave some already great designs alone out of respect, and focus more on those that needed updates.  For me, there's very few near-perfect original classic designs, I listed 3, I want to add Macross VF-1 to that list.  I just can't imagine new gen designers can "improve" them much other than add some superfluous details to the original (think the older metal-builds, those are mostly good examples of design/detail renewal but not really the "designer version" type of styling changes I'm trying to differentiate), but the result do make a more premium toy.  Like I said,  "different"? Sure, and just as enjoyable.  But aguably "better"?, not really in my opinion.
發表於 10-8-2021 21:49:03 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 11-8-2021 11:10:29 | 顯示全部樓層

售價:21,880 yen

可動人偶約24.5厘米(9.6”)高,配上合金骨架,共42個關節,由 ABS、PVC、POM、鋅合金和金屬部件構成。

ROBO-DOU加利安 (Kelvin Sau版本) 兼容兩種形式;原本的加利安(Panzer Blade Galient),以及升級了的「加利安重裝改」(Panzer Blade Assault Galient)。加利安可變型成為「加林特飛行型」(Big Falcon)。「加利安重裝改」配備了後砲、突擊砲和盾牌,可以分成兩台機器的軀幹變成「加利安飛裝改」(Panzer Falcon)。臀部和腿部可變成了「加利安自走改」(Strike Vehicle)。雙腳兩側的輪胎可以旋轉,代表了加利安標誌性的動作。

武器包括:一把劍, 一條劍鞭 (於可彎曲的纜上附有多塊細少的刃)、裝拆式背砲、突擊砲和盾牌。盾牌背面有一個可動的打樁裝置。它包括了四對可互換的手(一對拳手,一對姿勢手,一對握突擊砲手,一對拿劍手)。

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