發表於 30-9-2010 21:26:18
BENDAVID 發表於 30-11-2006 02:35 AM 
1) 把超合金放入已有防潮珠或電子防潮箱中。 (不過又貴, 又唔可以整天拿出來)
2) 到模型店買全光沢或半光沢的叻架,噴在超合金上。 (但超合金變厚了, 可能變得太反光.)
防潮漆: Damp-proof paint Lacquer
3) 這是自聖鬥士超合金推出之後,後多收藏家使用的方法, 又平, 又不失超合金本身的外觀, 這就是抺油.
抺油是用防銹油, 一般是用大家常見的WD-40, 再講求一點, 金錢不是問題, 就可以購買3M的"防潮保護漆"(不是含有97%鋅那種, 也不是黃油).
3M Insulating Paint Spray 電氣絕緣漆1601 1602 1603 1604 14853
It isolates from the mould, is damp-proof and is characterized by its high dielectric rigidity. ... 3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆 ...

3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆
Scotchkote electrical coating is intended for use as an outer seal on plastic tape applications which are subjected to excessive amounts of oil. It also improves the weather resistance and moisture resistance of the taped joint or splice. It is suitable for direct burial, direct water immersion or above ground applications.
A fast drying sealant and bonding compound, the coating is provided in a brush top 16 oz. can for quick and easy application, can containing 15 fl. oz. (0.44 L) of coating. Case quantity is 10 cans. Item Number: 14853
* Fast drying / Flexible when dry / self-contained applicator / No waste if container resealed after use. Adhesive to wood, metal, rubber and plastic.
* Compatible with PVC tape. use as an outer seal
* Dielectric Strength : Dry 450Volts/mil or 24hrs in H2O 200 volts/mil
* Scotchkote can be applied down to approximately 0° F since the flash point of the solvents is 0° F, but the solvents will evaporate more slowly as the temperature decreases. It's operating high temperature is in the 176°F to 194° F ( 90°C) range.
特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾, 在 22 度C 15分鐘後 不黏手. 5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F) 閃點: 0°F/-18°C
用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水、絕緣、保護
絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil 或是 24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil
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把防銹油噴在女士用的化妝綿上 (小毛巾也可, 不過化妝綿非常好用), 噴的份量不多不少, 不言你的超合金就會變得漏油了. 把帶有防銹油的化妝綿印上超合金上就okay 了.
這些防銹油就是聖衣上滑滑的油了. |