Toysdaily 玩具日報


[分享討論] 電影 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

發表於 9-1-2014 12:28:36 | 顯示全部樓層

入便講Superman比Poison Ivy毒迷左

不過機會就微D..入便又有Bat Girl又Cat Woman..
發表於 9-1-2014 12:52:42 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 9-1-2014 14:31:02 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 32# leawong


其實batman一向唔太相信別人, 而且superman的出現, 令半個城市被毀, 都可以講一開始batman唔相信superman是好人, 怕無人"食得佢住", 之後當然有交下手, 打2野. 跟住由於有更大的危機(luthor?) 所以就互相合作咁, 之後仲做埋朋友啦~
 樓主| 發表於 18-2-2014 23:33:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Gal Gadot 鍛練自已演Wonder Woman 總算有D成果:)

Gal Gadot Flexes Her WONDER WOMAN Workout Progress In Photo

by Malik Forté on February 17, 2014

Hot damn! For anyone worried that Gal Gadot wouldn’t take her casting as Wonder Woman seriously, allow her to flex your current outlook on her determination. Today she posted a progress shot of her marvelous (yes I said “marvel”, I went there) physique after what she described as a “good workout in the morning.” Take a look at her fabulous bicep toning thus far:

Well, all right, then, Ms. Gadot, not too shabby. She’s not quite there yet, but of course, change doesn’t happen overnight. Gadot has been engaged in an extreme training regimen consisting of Kung Fu, kickboxing, swords, jujutsu, and Brazilian, all in order to prepare for her role as Wonder Woman. Given that Superman-Batman is delayed into 2016, I’d imagine she’d be nice and buffed up well in time for the movie’s shooting.
Even if you were one of the folks who wasn’t too fond of her choosing, you have to at least give her credit for busting her ass to don the garments of the Amazon Princess. You go, girlfriend!
發表於 18-2-2014 23:38:56 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 14-3-2014 22:47:01 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 14-3-2014 23:04:11 | 顯示全部樓層

入便講Superman比Poison Ivy毒迷左
之後同Batman打左場大交,精彩得黎劇 ...
leawong 發表於 9-1-2014 12:28 PM

SORRY, 我一知半解, 超人唔係唔會中毒的嗎...?
發表於 13-5-2014 01:17:53 | 顯示全部樓層

The first look at the new Batmobile
發表於 13-5-2014 09:34:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 38# MAX

因為Poison Ivy用左含有既Kryptonite 唇膏,超人當然中招......

:shiny::71::74: HUSH呢SET漫畫劇力萬鈞!!畫功氣勢迫人!! 加上每集有一個大壞蛋,喜歡睇奸角就爽啦!!師兄一定要去睇睇呀!!!

回復 32# leawong


不過電影應該以1986漫畫The Dark Knight Returns做基調.....

發表於 13-5-2014 10:12:46 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 jeffloh 於 13-5-2014 10:22 AM 編輯

回復 40# NNSKK

想問問HUSH漫畫內, 邊度有講posion ivy用含有既Kryptonite 唇膏去控制superman? (因為我睇漫畫同wiki都無提及過)

我了解只係batman用有Kryptonite的介子去對抗superman. 因為我所知的Kryptonite只會令superman變得無力, 但應該唔會影響到意識? 師兄是否指 poison ivy的"pheromones"?
發表於 13-5-2014 10:14:04 | 顯示全部樓層
The first look at the new Batmobile
stonekeung01 發表於 13-5-2014 01:17 AM

發表於 13-5-2014 10:37:08 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 41# jeffloh

BATMAN口中講既THE SYNTHETIC GREEN K 就係Kryptonite......

Kryptonite可以弱化超人,能控制人意識既係Poison ivy
基本上超人刀槍不入,百毒不侵.....Poison ivy照正常係迷佢唔倒既.....
發表於 13-5-2014 10:43:53 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 43# NNSKK

原來如此~ 等我仲以為poison ivy咁勁, 哈哈~
發表於 14-5-2014 00:37:17 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 14-5-2014 03:04:24 | 顯示全部樓層
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