1. 此登記只適用於已在Toy Hunters訂購BATMAN (1989): 1/6TH SCALE BATMOBILE COLLECTIBLE VEHICLE的客戶。
This registration is only valid for customers who have pre-ordered the BATMAN (1989): 1/6TH SCALE BATMOBILE COLLECTIBLE VEHICLE at Toy Hunters.
2. 客戶訂購的貨品於繳付餘額及運費後,運輸公司將於14個工作天內預約送貨時間。
Logistic company will be in contact for delivery arrangement within 14 working days after the customer has settled the full payment and delivery charge.
3. 客戶必須在收貨時出示有效收據正本方可簽收貨品。本公司並不提供驗貨服務。
Customer must present a valid original copy of the product invoice(s) in order to collect the item(s). We will not provide product checking service when customer collects the item(s).
4. 客戶於收貨時將獲得產品保養卡。從產品簽收日期起的7天內為產品保養期(保養期絕非產品試用期),我們接受在保養期內因若有產品瑕疵或損壞情形發生而要求維修/更換服務申請。
Customer will receive a product warranty card upon item collection. We will provide repair or product exchange service for any product defects within 7 days when customers have received the item(s).
5. 送貨服務會因應先選送貨服務登記,然之後根據完成訂購手續的日期及時間作出安排,送貨時間詳情將於稍後以電話確認。
Priority of delivery arrangement will depend on the time of the delivery registration follow by date and time of when the pre-order payment is settled. The time and date of delivery will be confirmed via telephone call.
6. 懸掛8號或以上之熱帶氣旋警告信號或黑色暴雨警告訊號時,送貨服務或會暫停。送貨公司將再另行聯絡客戶安排送貨服務。
Delivery service may be suspended if Gale/Storm Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force. Our logistic company will contact customer to rearrange the delivery service.
7. 送貨地址如有任何變更,顧客須預先5天前通知本公司及收取港幣$50元手續費;所有送付的貨品必須由顧客簽收。
Customer needs to notify Toy Hunters 5 days in advance and a HKD$50 administration fee will be charged if there are any changes to the delivery address. Acknowledgement for the receipt of item(s) must be signed upon delivery arrival.
8. 如在與客戶已約定的送貨日期及時間送貨,但客戶未能或拒絕收取貨品,Toys Hunters將於下一次的送貨時向客戶收取額外送貨費港幣$200元,而首次已收取的運費將不獲退回。
If the customer already confirmed the delivery date and time but fails or refuses to collect the item(s), Toy Hunters will charge HKD$200 for any new delivery arrangements. The previous delivery fee will not be refunded.
9. 所有額外費用及行政費將由運輸人員於送貨時收取,客戶須以現金支付。
Any additional or administration fee will need to be settled in cash by the delivery person at the time of delivery arrival.
10. Hot Toys 及Toy Hunters將保留一切條款及細則之修改及最終決定權。
Hot Toys Limited & Toy Hunters reserve the rights for final decision of the above terms & conditions if changes occur.